The Rothschilds' Shares in Waterloo
(Original title: Die Rothschilds Aktien auf Waterloo)
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We strongly
you to use Metaproducts Mass Downloader, or a software like that, to take big files from this page. The software you need must support the "resume" option.

But, if you have an old computer with a "FAT32 hard disk (*)", to make the DVD, you must download AND UNZIP, in the same folder, all following files:
14 kb |
14 kb |
8 kb |
56 kb |
56 kb |
20 Mb |
1024 Mb |
1024 Mb |
1024 Mb |
1024 Mb |
160 Mb |
Note (*): The maximum possible size for a file on a FAT32 volume is 4 GiB minus 1 byte. Larger files require another formatting type such as NTFS .

If you are not expert on making video DVD, please, read the following instructions:
All files must be placed in the same folder.
We recommend you that the folder to use must have the exact following name: VIDEO_TS
If you have a program that runs video DVD on your computer, you can test the DVD with a double click on the file called: "VIDEO_TS.IFO" (This point is optional)
You must burn a video DVD with a DVD burning program. We strongly recommend you to use "NERO burning rom".
When you'll burn the DVD, you'll see that in the root folder there are two sub-directories: "VIDEO_TS" and "AUDIO_TS". The "VIDEO_TS" folder must
all files you downloaded. The "AUDIO_TS" folder is empty, and it'll remain empty but you must not delete it.