Which Religious Sect is behind Anti-Christian films like the Da Vinci Code?



Almost everyone realizes the Da Vinci Code is an unprecedented attack on Christianity and Jesus Christ. But most people don’t know that the media giants orchestrating this attack are Jewish.

Sony Corporation, the force behind the Da Vinci Code movie, is the eye of this Jewish promotional octopus. In the late 1980s, Sony of Japan bought out Metro Goldwyn Meyer, Columbia Pictures, and United Artists. Former president of Jewish-owned CBS, Howard Stringer (a Jew), became second in command of Sony International. He is chair and CEO of Sony of America.

Sony of America is dominated by Jewish names. Emily Susskind is president. Robert Wiesenthal is executive VP and chief financial officer; Nicole Seligman is executive VP and general counsel. Phil Weiser is CTO and senior VP. Michael Fidler Jr. is senior VP. Jay Samit is general manager of Connect. Gretchen Griswold is director of corporate communications. 2

Sony’s subsidiary, Columbia Pictures, maker of the Da Vinci Code movie, is headed by Amy Pascal, a Jew. She is also chairman of Sony’s Motion Picture Group. 3 The producer of the film is Brian Grazer, a Jew.

The screenplay was written by well-known, Jewish screenwriter Akiva Goldsman.


While originating with Sony, the Da Vinci Code’s promotion is a many-pronged attack on Christianity coming from the Jewish media community.

Sony worked closely with NBC in promotion of NBC/Universal’s anti-Christ Book of Daniel last winter. Now NBC, presided over by its Jewish head of television programming, Jeff Zukor, has lavishly promoted Sony’s Da Vinci Code movie on NBC. This past week, Today Show host Matt Lauer led the nation on a European “treasure hunt” in the steps of the Code. CBS, presided over by Jewish Sumner Redstone, and ABC, by Jewish Michael Eisner, have helped build a firestorm of public curiosity about the book and movie.


The largest Jewish publishing houses reap staggering profits from sales of Da Vinci Code books. Jewish Joel Klein is chairman of American operations of Bertelsmann A.G., the largest publishing conglomerate in the world. Random House, which the Encyclopedia Judaica confirms is Jewish-owned and controlled, is part of this consortium, benefiting by massive distribution advantages. 4 Random House owns rights to produce all large-print copies of the Da Vinci Code. As a division of Random House, Doubleday owns rights to produce all regular-print and special collector’s editions of the book. Finally, Anchor Books, another venerable Jewish publishing house and subsidiary of Random House completes this Jewish monopoly by printing all paperback copies.

Jewish-controlled magazines also hype the Code. Some 50 popular magazines, including Time, Life, and People, are owned by Time/Warner, with Jewish Norman Pearlstein, editor in chief. Newsweek, published by Jewish Donald Graham’s Washington Post, has featured recent conspicuous articles enticing millions to purchase the book or see the movie.

Articles too numerous to mention continue to emerge from Jewish-controlled newspapers. These include those owned by the Samuel Newhouse chain, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the New York Review of Books, the Village Voice, etc. All have been intensifying interest in the Da Vinci Code’s blasphemous message. The New York Times praised the book as "impeccably researched," despite the Code's outrageous claims, including that the Roman Catholic Church burned five million women at the stake. These media voices, which reflected so gravely on possible anti-Semitism in Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, have not a word of concern about the Code's rabid anti-Christianity. That's because they share it.


In a previous e-alert, I documented how Jews helped the National Geographic Society to bring the "Gospel of Judas" blasphemy to the attention of the world (See, "Judas: Historic Jewish Hero"). I revealed how NGS’ prestigious Codex advisory panel, the driving force behind promotion of this sacrilege, is top heavy with Jewish names.

Such fevered Christ-bashing continues a pattern of stepped-up attacks by Jewish activists over the past six months:

Last November, Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, attacked politically involved Christian conservatives as a threat to freedom. He vilified the Southern Baptist Convention for allowing witnessing to Jews. In his recent book, Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, he accused Christians who witnessed to Jews of being anti-Semitic. The New Testament, he rails, is a lying, hateful, hurtful book, ultimately responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews in World War II. (See, "ADL's Foxman: New Testament is Anti-Semitic")
Last December, in CBS’ 48 Hours special, “The Mystery of Christmas,” CBS dramatized the possibility that Christ was a bastard. (See, "More Christian Bashing from Media this Easter?")
This winter, NBC’s Book of Daniel, authorized by Jeff Zukor, trashed Jesus and the Christian family. (See, "Who's Behind NBC's 'Book of Daniel'?")
Also this winter, Jewish activist Mikey Weinstein was successful in his suit against the Air Force Academy, banning chaplains there from using the name of Jesus in public prayers. He was assisted by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff, highly placed ethical consultant to both the Navy and Air Force, in upholding such an end of free speech. (See, "ADL Protests Free Speech at Air Force Academy")


One would think evangelical leaders, clearly under attack by Jewish activists in high places, would at least inform Christians of the identity of those who assail them and their Savior.

This is not the case. Evangelical and new-right leaders are silent concerning the Jewish origins of present attacks on free speech, Christian witnessing, the New Testament, and the integrity of Jesus Christ.

Why this incredible silence? Evangelicals won't identify their attackers as Jewish because of a centuries-old superstition. They believe a divine curse will fall on any person or nation who criticizes Jews. The Biblical promise to Abraham, “I will bless those that bless thee and I will curse them that curse thee,” (Genesis 12:3) is taken to mean that no matter what evil or injustice Jews commit, Christians must only bless them, never criticize.

This is flatly contrary to Scripture.

The Bible teaches that godly reproof and warning are not curses but the greatest gifts that can be given to any sinner. Reproof brings with it the possibility of repentance, saving a soul from an eternity in hell!

It was with such a desire to bless Jews, that the Hebrew prophets, including Isaiah and John the Baptist, fiercely reproved the Jewish people and their leaders for sin. Does the Bible consider such fearless truth-telling to be anti-Semitic? Does it record terrible curses descending upon such prophets?

Quite the contrary, God’s curses did descend on those false prophets who flattered the Jews, exactly as do modern-day evangelicals. In the time of Elijah, compromising prophets cooed unconditional blessings on Ahab and Jezebel. Today Jerry Falwell, John Hagee, and Hal Lindsey lavish blessings on the vilest of Jewish sinners including arrogant, violent men like Shamir, Begin and Sharon.


Christ’s followers 2,000 years ago viewed His crucifixion from afar. They were impotent to restrain evil Jewish leaders who had Him killed. Today, evangelicals are paralyzed from really striking a blow against those who now publicly re-crucify the name and reputation of Jesus. Yes, they write letters and emails and perhaps boycott TV sponsors. Their intellectuals argue against the fallacies of the Da Vinci Code. But no one points a prophetic, bony finger at the Jewish media moguls, identifying their racial and religious origin. No one says like Nathan to the adulterous David, “You are the man!” (2 Sam. 12:7)

Incredibly as Jewish anti-Christ activism surrounds and overlays Christianity, the silence within the Church only becomes more deafening. About all that can be said then, is that when "Israel first" leaders and their flocks are at last herded into gulags to be slaughtered, few groups of people in history will have worked harder to ensure their own destruction.

