Why did "Judea declare war on Germany" in 1933.
Why should "Holocaust denial" be a crime?
Why are so many holocaust stories being exposed as frauds?
Why was Ernst Zündel imprisonment for telling the TRUTH?
Why did Simon Wiesenthal list supporters of the Second Amendment as "hate sites"?
What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit! It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral Doctrine.' Thomas Jefferson on the Talmud.
The following data from the 1929, 1942, 1947, and 1963 editions of The World Almanac and Book of Facts published by the New York World Telegram, on pages 727, 849, 748, and 441, respectively, and from the 1996 edition published by Funk & Wagnalls, pg. 646, proves that six million Jews did not die in Nazi concentration camps. It is true that the number of Jews in Europe decreased from 10 to 9.4 million between 1928 and 1941, but so did the entire population of Jews in the world decrease, and much of that was before they could have been exterminated in these camps. During WWII the number of Jews in Europe remained flat, but according to Britannica Book of the Year, the number of Jews in the world increased by 600,000, or 4% . How could 6 million Jews (40% of all Jews and 64% of those in Europe) have died in the Holocaust if their worldwide population increased by 4%?
A likely explanation is that the extra 600,000 Jews appeared, and then disappeared AFTER the "holocaust", because of war reparations received by Jews. In other words, Jews who didn't admit to being Jews during the war suddenly did admit to being Jews when the money was being handed out.
Jewish Population in Millions |
North America |
South America |
Europe |
Rest of World |
World |
4 |
0.1 |
10 |
1.53 |
15.63 |
1928 |
4 |
0.2 |
10 |
1.4 |
15.6 |
4.38 |
0.29 |
9.49 |
1.15 |
15.31 |
1941 |
4.4 |
0.03 |
9.4 |
1.37 |
15.2 |
1946 |
5 |
0.1 |
9.4 |
1.3 |
15.8 |
4.97 |
0.23 |
9.37 |
1.18 |
15.75 |
5.22 |
0.64 |
3.42 |
2.35 |
11.63 |
1963 |
5.8 |
0.6 |
3.8 |
2.7 |
12.9 |
1988 |
8.08 |
0.99 |
1.48 |
7.53 |
18.08 |
1994 |
5.9 |
0.5 |
1.8 |
5.3 |
13.5 |
World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population- 15,319,359
World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population- 15,713,638
World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population- 14,117,000
Meyers Handlexicon, Germany 1921 - 11,600,000
National Council of Churches 1930 - 15,600 ,000
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 -
World Almanac USA 1947 - 15,690,000
Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 - 15,300,000
WWII reduced the total population of all of Europe by 12.5% or 48 million, from 440 million in 1940 to only 392 million in 1950. If the Jewish population in Europe alone had decreased by a similar 12.5%, there would have been only 14 million Jews worldwide in 1946. If the 1946 almanac is correct, then there were 1.8 million more Jews than that in 1946 and even more in 1950. This would mean that the Jewish population increased at the same time that the European and Christian populations decreased considerably. And that suggests that the Nazis did a better job of protecting Jews than of protecting Christians. There were undoubtedly Jews who were treated unfairly during WWII, because war is that way. But if this data doesn't at least suggest that Nazis treated Jews much more fairly than they treated Christians and other Europeans, it definitely proves that Jews died at a much lower rate than Christians did. If fewer than 1.2 million Jews died during WWII, then they died at a rate lower than all Europeans died.
The population of Europe in 1990 was 501 million, which is only 13.9% higher than it was in 1940. But the worldwide population of jews in 1988 was 18.08 million, which is 84.5% higher than the 9.8 million whom the holocaust organizers claimed were alive in 1946. This is even 55.5% higher than the 11.63 million figure in the 1955 Almanac.
Even if you rejected the data from the world almanacs, it's still impossible that Nazis caused a 40% instant reduction in the number of Jews worldwide. To accept that 6 million of 15.2 million Jews worldwide died in a Holocaust would require you to believe that the Jewish population was only 9.2 million in 1946, which would require you to believe that it suddenly increased by an unprecedented 1.9% per year after WWII to 12.9 million by 1963. That would require you to believe that the downward trend in the Jewish population prior to WWII suddenly changed to a dramatically increasing upward trend. For what reason would you believe that such a trend could change so dramatically? The population of Jews in Europe did decrease dramatically, from 10 million in 1928 to 1.8 million in 1994, but 7.6 million of that 8.2 million decrease was after the war which means that this was the result of emigration rather than extermination. How could the worldwide population of Jews increase when there were so many pressures on Jews to leave Europe? And why did we allow so many of them to come to North America?
What few Americans ever even think about is that most of the 52 million citizens of the world who died during WWII were Christians. Isn't it strange that Americans are so consumed with images of millions of Jews dying in Nazi concentration camps at the same time that they are almost oblivious to the 46 million Christians who died? And nobody, not even jews, disputes that only half of the people in the concentration camps were jews. Who were the other half? Christians. Even if you accepted the Holocaust story in its entirety as historical fact, this is 14 times as many Christians as Jews who died. Many of these Christians died in the course of defending their homes and homelands, rather than in concentration camps where Jews were herded after they successfully lobbied for and got gun control laws in pre-war Germany.
The worldwide population of Jews did decrease by 17% between 1946 and 1994, the same 0.2% per year rate that it had been decreasing during the non-war years between 1928 and 1941, before the Holocaust. But this was after the alleged Holocaust. Even if the 1941 estimate of 15.2 million Jews worldwide had not taken into account those who died at the hands of the Nazis, this figure would not have been much different. There were only 26,000 Jews in concentration camps in 1938, and even if they were all exterminated (which we have no evidence that they were), there still would have been 15.2 million Jews in the world in 1941. If the downward trend of the total Jewish population which occurred before the Holocaust had just continued at the same rate, then there would have been 13.5 million Jews in the world in 1994--exactly the number in the almanac. In other words, this is solid statistical evidence that the worldwide population of Jews was known to have been decreasing before the world ever heard of the term "Holocaust". It is not surprising that the reduction in the Jewish population had already begun before the Holocaust hoax, considering that the heinous nature of the Talmud is now known by so many more people around the world.
Realizing that so many Americans have been so seriously misled by such a well calculated hoax requires a careful reexamination of our entire view of the world. Willie Martin provides one view, but that view shocks the senses so severely that you need some way to decompress. He provides more details than are available in most simple almanacs, which makes his estimates more accurate, but it also makes them harder to verify. If we relied solely on the large numbers in the almanacs, a few hundred thousand Jews could have died in Nazi concentration camps without our knowing about it. Even so, it's impossible that half a million additional Jews died in the camps, much less 6 million. The almanacs are thus sufficient to confirm his thesis.
Because of this colossal hoax, Americans failed to heed the warnings of our Forefathers and of the Holy Bible and let our guard down. We permitted Jews to become judges and politicians without even requiring them to place their hand on the Holy Bible and swear before God to uphold the US Constitution. We have no idea now how many of them uphold the Talmud instead of our founding principles. We sent $130 billion to Israel, $30,000 per man, woman, and child in Israel, even though they have money in the bank and we are broke. We encouraged reparations from Germany to the Jews by the tens of billions of dollars when it might be the German people themselves who should be receiving reparations from these expert worldwide LIARS.
The worst ill-effect of this colossal hoax is the problem it caused with free speech in the US. We can't criticize or even talk about Jews because of the inbred fear that a critical analysis of the facts will somehow instantly subject them to another Holocaust and kill 6 million more of them. The belief by many Americans that the Holocaust was such a heinous event subjects those who dare to compare the statistics to the facts to ridicule, racial slurs, and hate speech of all kinds. It is easy for the critics to accuse anyone who would dare to question the mantra of being "anti-semitic", "neo-nazis", and "hateful", and not so easy to explain that you don't "hate" Jews just because they are colossal LIARS. Those who sling such mantra will always believe that being more concerned that 46 million of your fellow Christians died than that some unspecified but small percentage of Jews died are "anti-semitic". The Jewish-controlled mainstream media will never present the above facts to the American public and thus expose the hypocrisy of this slur. Thus, the number of Americans willing to speak up and defend their Christian heritage is pitifully small.
The following disinformation is from Infoplease Almanac http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001286.html
Holocaust is the term describing the Nazi annihilation of about 6 million Jews (two thirds of the pre-World War II European Jewish population), including 4,500,000 from Russia, Poland, and the Baltic; 750,000 from Hungary and Romania; 290,000 from Germany and Austria; 105,000 from The Netherlands; 90,000 from France; 54,000 from Greece.
The Holocaust was unique in its being genocidethe systematic destruction of a people solely because of religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, or sexual preferenceon an unmatched scale. Along with the Jews, another 9 to 10 million peopleGypsies, Slavs (Poles, Ukrainians, and Belarussians), homosexuals, and the disabledwere exterminated.
1933 Hitler named German Chancellor (Jan.). Dachau, first concentration camp, established (March). Boycotts against Jews begin (April).
Anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws passed by Reichstag; Jews lose citizenship and civil rights (Sept.).
More details
World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population- 15,319,359
World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population- 15,713,638
World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population- 14,117,000
Meyers Handlexicon, Germany 1921 - 11,600,000
National Council of Churches 1930 - 15,600 ,000
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 - 15,600,000
World Almanac USA 1947 - 15,690,000
Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 - 15,300,000