(Countries over 50,000 listed)

Country         Number      % of all Jews

United States   5,900,000        45
Israel               4,600,000        35
France                600,000          5
Russia                 550,000          4
Ukraine               400,000         3
Canada               360,000         3
United Kingdom  300,000         3
Argentina             250,000        2
Brazil                   130,000        1
South Africa        106,000         1
Australia              100,000      0.8
Hungary               80,000        0.6
Belarus                 60,000       0.5
Germany               60,000       0.5

TOTAL: 13, 000, 000 (one-fifth of one percent of the world's six billion people).

Source: World Jewish Congress, 1996

(The Phenomenon of the Jews, by Steven Silbiger, 2000, p. 6)

Metropolitan Areas with the Largest Jewish Population Outside Israel
                      (Cities over 100,000 Listed)

CITIES                  Jewish Population     % Jewish

New York, USA      1,750,000                 13%
Miami, USA                 535,000                  15%
Los Angeles, USA       490,000                   5%
Paris, France               350,000                    4%
Philadelphia, USA       254,000                    6%
Chicago, USA             248,000                    4%
San Francisco, USA    210,000                    5%
Boston, USA               208,000                    8%
London, UK                200,000                    2%
Moscow, Russia          200,000                    2%
Buenos Aires, ARG.    180,000                    2%
Toronto, CANADA     175,000                    6%
Washington DC USA   165,000                    6%
Kiev, UKRAINE          110,000                    4%
Montreal, CANADA     100,000                   3%
St. Petersburg, RUSSIA 100,000                  2%

World Jewish Congress and Information Please Almanac, 1996
[cited in Silbiger, Steven. The Phenomenon of the Jews, 2000]