"Holocaust Revisionism" / "Holocaust
Denial" Sites
The following web sites are among the most controversial per the subject
of Jewry. "Holocaust Revisionism" web sites typically aim, as
self-described, to investigate -- and deflate -- popular convention about
the numbers of Jews who died in concentration camps, and the manner in
which they perished. They contest existing conventions about Holocaust
history -- scholarly or otherwise.
Critics of such attitudes, usually -- but not only -- Jewish (and they
are often vehement), typically assail such sites as "Holocaust Denial."
Some such critics go so far as to declare that there are no grounds for
debate about virtually anything concerning conventional understanding
of the Holocaust, codified facts that are held to be beyond questioning.
Hence, these kinds of web sites are heavily stigmatized, which serves
as a barrier to the fact that they often have large quantities of information
about subjects other than their perspectives on the Holocaust.
Our view on this matter is that we do not endorse, or agree with, everything
at these web sites (nor, for that matter, ALL the material at ANY
other link at our web pages) but we do support free speech and varied
opinion in the democratic milieu. And this realm (the challenge to Holocaust
conventions) is certainly increasingly part of modern Jewish history.
In the interests of full perspective (although certainly the counter-view
to these "revisionist" sites are to be found everywhere in popular
culture), we include here also the NIZKOR site, which is antithetical
to the others listed here. All these sites have further links to others
reflecting their own convictions and arguments, and anyone interested
in the details of this debate should be able to find them.
As always, we encourage people to read opposing ideas about any subject
and make up their own minds about the merits of the arguments.
Institute for Historical Review
Irving / Focal Point Publications
for Radical Truth in History
NIZKOR (Holocaust Education Resource)