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1. Introduction [25 Kilobytes][about 10 paper pages]
2. The Causes of Hostility Toward Jews: A Historical Overview [419 kilobytes] [about 102 paper pages] The religious origins of Jewish identity; the Torah (Old Testament); the Chosen People concept; the Code of Jewish Law; Jewish self-conception as a "nation apart"; brief overview of Israelite Old Testament violence; the Talmud; Jewish apostates and medieval Christian investigation of the Talmud; traditional Jewish racism, elitism, ethnocentrism, tribalism, and exclusionism; modern Jewish apologetics for traditional beliefs; the importance of Maimonides; the Jacob-Esau tradition; Reform Judaism and the modern euphemism of Jewish "particularism" (versus pan-human universalism); traditional Jewish messianic chauvinism in left-wing secular political movements; and more.
3. Jews and Christianity [31 Kilobytes] [about 6 paper pages]Brief history of Christian-Jewish relations; a contextual view of anti-Jewish religious persecution; Jewish-inspired atrocities against Christians in the early years of the Christ movement; traditional Jewish defamation of Christianity.
4. Usury [110 Kilobytes] [about 21 paper pages] Domination of Jewish money lending for interest in the Middle Ages; Christian condemnation of usury; Jewish prohibitions of usury within intra-Jewish dealing; Jews popularly known as economic exploiters; uprisings against Jewish money lenders; Jewish double standards of morality; Jewish organized crime in the Middle Ages and later; Jewish "fencing" operations; medieval Christian investigations into Jewish double standards of morality, and identity.
5. Yicchus (Status) [109 Kilobytes] [about 18 paper pages] Traditional Jewish concerns with social status; money and status; Jewish folklore about money; Reform Judaism's changing of synagogue decorum; auctioning rights to read prayers in the synagogue; widespread Jewish celebration of ostentation; Jewish ostentation as a contribution to anti-Semitism; the opulent Jewish enclaves of Beverly Hills, CA and Palm Beach, FL
6. Jewish Money and Economic Influence: the Historical Context [362 Kilobytes] [about 79 paper pages] The works by Max Weber and Werner Sombart about Jewish influence in the development of capitalism; the relationship between Jewish religious belief, ethics, and capitalism; the international folklore tradition that Jews are misers, cheats, deceivers, and frauds; Jewish international networking; the rise of the opulent Court Jews; centuries-old Jewish domination as war profiteers; the Rothschilds and the rise of other Jewish banking firms; medieval Jewish dominance of Spain by Jews who pretended to be Christians; Jewish economic and cultural pre-eminence in pre-World War II Germany, Austria, France, Italy, England, and Eastern Europe (including Poland, Hungary, Russia, and other countries); Jews as economic elites in South Africa, South America, Central America, Hong Kong, and Iran; Benjamin Disraeli, the Jews, and western imperialism; Jewish pre-eminence in the leadership of Soviet communism, including Jewish pre-eminence in the Soviet terrorist secret police
7. A Closer Look at the Jews in Polish and Eastern European History [139 Kilobytes] [about 27 paper pages] Impoverishment and degradation of (non-Jewish) peasants throughout Eastern European history; Jews as a special caste in the feudal system; relative affluence of Jews in comparison to other peoples; the historical sufferings of the Poles; Jewish privilege in the Middle Ages; Jewish roles as tax collectors, monopolizers of the alcohol trade, and land lessees from nobles; Jewish exploitation of the peasants; peasant and Cossack revolts against feudal and Jewish oppression ("pogroms"); Jewish ethnocentrism in Russia; Riots/pogroms against Jews; the tens of millions of people killed in decades leading up to, and after, the Russian communist revolution; anti-Jewish violence contextualized within widespread social upheaval; Jewish economic pre-eminence in Eastern Europe
8. Jews and Slavery [83 Kilobytes] [about 16 paper pages] Jewish religious concepts of slavery; Jewish domination of the slave traffic of Slavs, beginning in the 5th century; Prominent Jews in the early Ku Klux Klan, as defenders of slavery and the southern Confederacy; The Nation of Islam's controversial book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews; the Jewish role in the slave trading of Africans; Jewish apologetics and mainstream academic rejection of The Secret Relationship.
9. Jewish Crime [121 Kilobytes] [about 15 paper pages] Jewish crime, focusing here in the late 1800s and early to mid-1900s; Jewish criminal networks in New York City and other major cities; the central Jewish influence in the birth of "organized" crime; prominent Jewish fraudsters and scam artists; Meyer Lansky and "the Syndicate"; Jewish pre-eminence in Las Vegas (and other international "Sin Cities") and its criminal underworld; Jewish criminal contributions to the founding of modern Israel; modern Jewish myth of categorical historical innocence and nonviolence versus the facts of history; noteworthy Jewish criminals in more modern times.
10. Jews and "White Slavery" (the International Prostitution Trade at the Turn of the 20th Century) [54 Kilobytes] [about 12 paper pages] Jewish domination of the early 20th century prostitution trade, including the United States, Argentina, Poland, Germany, South Africa, Russia, Austria, Brazil and other countries; Jewish control of three-quarters of the prostitution trade in New York City and Chicago; modern Jewish dismissal of such historical facts as Nazi-type hate propaganda; modern Israel's importance in the international prostitution trade today.
11. The Jewish Cosmology of Victimhood (Part 1) [101 Kilobytes] [about 21 paper pages] The Jewish self-conception and enforcement of collective categorical innocence through history; Jewish martyrology mythology; Jewish legend versus historical fact; Cecil Roth's pre-Holocaust assessment of the collective Jewish innocence tradition; the post-Holocaust age of Jewish apologetics; political use of the Jewish "cult of the persecuted" for modern Israel.
12. The Jewish Cosmology of Victimhood (Part 2) [130 Kilobytes] [about 25 paper pages] The Talmud as an ethnocentric, ahistorical compilation; traditional Jewish disinterest in non-Jewish history; Jewish celebration of its continuously proclaimed historical martyrdom; secular Jewish historical revisionism to fit religious "chosen sufferer" models; Jewry's categorical and militant insistence upon its historical innocence; Jewish conviction that all non-Jews hate Jews; effects of the "persecution tradition" upon the psychology of Jewish children; Jewish insistence upon the martyrological role, even while functioning as economic oppressors.
13. The Jewish Dictates of History [153 Kilobytes] [about 32 paper pages] Continued growth of "Jewish Studies" and the Jewish academic's role in maintaining the martyrological legend; Gentile disdain for Jews across history, culture, language, and class; singular Jewish focus upon anti-Semitism as a "mystifying disease"; the ban on criticizing anything Jewish in western society; influence upon Jewish Studies programs by wealthy philanthropic propagandists; Jewish Studies centers as outposts for ethnocentrism and pro-Israel polemics; examples of Jewish historical revisionism and militant resistance to face the more unpleasant facts of Jewish history; Jewish narcissism; Jewish censorship of dissenting views; the growing intra-Jewish debate about alleged Jewish powerlessness through history.
14.Who/What Is a Jew? [60 Kilobytes] [about 13 paper pages] Paradoxical lack of Jewish consensus about who exactly is a Jew; traditional racial definitions of Jewish identity; the enduring racial undercurrent definition today; popular Jewish identity as being "History's Greatest Victims"; Jewish need for anti-Semitism as an identity anchor; Jewish self-conception of superior intelligence; Jewish arrogance; lack of Jewish humility as an anti-Gentile hostility; Jewish preoccupation with "materialism and superiority."
15. Assimilation/Intermarriage/Conversion to Judaism [89 Kilobytes] [about 15 paper pages] Traditional Jewish resistance to intermarriage (marriage to a non-Jew); recent Jewish alarm at high rates of intermarriage; Gentile spouses' conversion to Judaism; Jewish spouses' intense connection to Jewish identity; popular Jewish rejection of converts to Judaism; centrality of Jewish racial belief that real Jews are born that way.
16. The Jewish Self-Conception of Intellectual, Moral, and Spiritual Superiority [85 Kilobytes] [about 11 paper pages] The Jewish celebration of Jewish Nobel prize winners; Jewish celebration of alleged Jewish superiority in intelligence over other peoples; racist arguments that Jews are genetically more intelligent than others; Jewish arrogance as a solicitation of non-Jewish hostility; Jewish chutzpah -- pushiness, nerviness; Jewish claims to superiority as part of Chosen People ethnocentrism.
17. Other Jewish Contributions to Modern Racist Currents [53 Kilobytes] [about 20 paper pages] Prominent Jewish racial theorists in the early 1900s; the Jew as "genius"; Jewish superiority claims based upon Ashkenazi (European Jewish) models -- not the Sephardim (Jews from the Middle East); Jewish genetic diseases from centuries of interbreeding; genetic myths of Jewish identity.
18 (In two parts)
The Holocaust and Genocide (pt. 1) [501 Kilobytes] [about 93 paper pages] The Nazi persecutors' inadvertent rejuvenation of Jewish identity; early Israeli shame of Holocaust survivors, and today's heroizing of them; creation of the secular Holocaust theology in the 1960s; Israel's "redemptive" 1967 victory over the Arabs as a milestone in Jewish Holocaust cosmology; the Holocaust and Israel as cores of modern Jewish identity; German fascism's Master Race ideology as an echo of Jewry's Chosen People claim; precedents for Nazi-inspired genocide (and other racist policies) in original Jewish teachings; the reification of such material in some Jewish quarters today; Holocaust-centeredness throughout the western mass media; Jewish religious tenets and anti-Black racism; the importance of the symbol of Amalek in Jewish tradition, the injunction that he should be eternally hated, and the continuous call for his extermination; the Holocaust in the forgotten context of World War II; Nazi intention to exterminate Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and others; the undercurrent of Chosen People racism in the idea that murdered Jews are more important than anyone else murdered; modern Jewish defamation of Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Russians and other Eastern Europeans; Jewish exclusionism and separatism in pre-World War II Eastern Europe; the lack of Jewish resistance to the Nazis; Jewish collaborators with German fascists; Jewish domination of postwar communist secret police organizations and concentration camps; Jewish double standards for World War II era history: one standard for Jews, and another for non-Jews; mainstream Jewry's resistance to the facts of World War II-era history.18 (In two parts)
The Holocaust and Genocide (pt. 2) [543 Kilobytes] [about 124 paper pages] Jewish and western world obsession with the Holocaust; Jewish insistence that the "Holocaust was unique"; Holocaust uniqueness as part of the traditional Chosen People concept; the importance of Jewish Old Testament-sanctioned genocide in understanding the Holocaust; the invention of the Jewish dead as heroes and martyrs for the Jewish cause; the proliferation of worldwide Holocaust museums as Judeo-centric and Israeli propaganda posts; the usurping of distinctly American patriotic sites beneath the Jewish martyrological flag; the Holocaust as Big Business; the proliferation of Judeocentric Holocaust classes in American schools; international Jewish aspects of the world Holocaust history scene; the Auschwitz convent controversy; popular mass media renditions of the Holocaust: Shoah, Maus, Schindler's List; the trial of John Demjanjuk, accused mass murderer.19 (In two parts)
The Accusation of Anti-Semitism (pt. 1) [387 Kilobytes] [about 121 paper pages] The necessity of the anti-Semite in Jewish identity; the insistence that anti-Semitism is an irrational, mystifying, psychological "disease" and that Jews are categorically innocent and blameless for the tragedies that have befallen them; Sigmund Freud and his theories of psychoanalysis; continued Jewish domination of the field of psychoanalysis; psychoanalysis as a "Jewish science"; "Being Jewish" as a psychological condition; Freudianism as a dictatorial and elitist enterprise; Freudianism and talmudism; Freudianism and money; psychoanalysis as a device to explain the categorical irrationality of anti-Semitism; post World War II Anti-Defamation League studies of anti-Semitism; the ADL studies as propaganda; Jewish obsession with anti-Semitism, even when it has become popularly negligible; the accusation of links between Christianity and Nazism; anti-Semitism as a Gentile reaction to Jewish racism, elitism, separatism, and chauvinism; Jewish efforts to defame as anti-Semites many of the great names of the western tradition and literature; the Anti-Defamation League's campaigns of censorship; Jewish censorship of dissenting Jews; popular Jewish literature with racist, anti-Gentile themes; the Jewish anti-Gentile folk tradition.19 (In two parts)
The Accusation of Anti-Semitism (pt. 2) [557 Kilobytes] [about 80 paper pages] Jewish "self-hate" as the Jewish version of anti-Semitism; Jewish historical revisionism even in dictionaries world wide; evidence that popular negative opinion about early Jewish Russian immigrants to America in the early 19th century was not unfairly biased; logical origins of Jewish self-hatred; Jewish neurosis, the myths of the Jewish family, Jewish mothers; the Jewish "cult of the shiksa"; the Jewish American Princess; traditional Jewish sexual mores; criticism of Jews by Karl Marx and Theodore Herzl; Jewish-Israeli identity and the creation of a macho Jewish male model; violent Jewish "revenge" novels; Jewish suspicion of non-Jews; further 1960s Anti Defamation League studies of anti-Semitism and the labeling of much of the U.S. population to be anti-Semites, despite the fact that much Gentile criticism of Jewry was based on verifiable evidence.20 (In two parts)
Jewish Influence in Popular American Culture (part 1) [526 Kilobytes] [about 111 paper pages] Jewish tribal identity in modern America; Jewry's "civil religion" and its inherent contradictions; Jewish and Zionist influence in the creation of "multiculturalism"; continued Jewish attack upon Christian identity and institutions; the Jewish deconstruction of the WASP and Christian-oriented status quo; the marginalization of Christian identity in American popular culture; Jewish assault upon the Pope; Jewish resistance to interfaith "dialogue" and its propensity to attack and complain; the double standard throughout American society that treats Judaism as a "most favored" religion; blatantly anti-Christian public policy in Israel; America's abandonment of Christian self-sacrificing, "universalist" principles for Jewish aggrandizing, "particularist" ones; Israel as the focus of modern Jewish identity (both religiously and secularly); Jewish self-obsession and narcissism -- allegiance to the international tribe; the traditional question of Jewish loyalty (to Israel or America?); Zionist domination of Jewish American life; Jewish spies and international Jewish networks to aid Israeli agents; Jewish/Israeli intrigue and the atom bomb; the traditional Jewish concept of "galut" -- the feeling of exile, and estrangement from non-Jews; Jewish spy networks as communists; purges of Jews accused of disloyalty in Eastern Europe; Israeli spy systems throughout the world;20 (In two parts)
Jewish Influence in Popular American Culture (pt. 2) [531 Kilobytes] [about 112 paper pages] Massive Jewish abandonment of left-wing movements and a retreat to traditional tribalism; renewed Jewish interest in religious Orthodoxy; Jewish domination, exploitation, and self-interest in the African-American civil rights movement; Jewish anti-Black racism; the proclivity of Jews towards servants and maids; Jewish paternalism over the African-American community; Jewish self-conceptions of being an oppressed minority group, even as it exists as a socioeconomic dominator; multicultural minority groups' reluctance to accept Jews; Jewish influence in the creation of the "Victim is King" ideology throughout popular America; Jewish self-interest and predominance in lawsuits that killed affirmative action quotas; Jewish academic pre-eminence in dictating other ethnic realities; Jewish doctors and America's circumcision popularity; Jews as an academic power elite; Jewish economic domination in African-American ghettos; Jewish slum lords; Jewish dominance of the New York City school system; the Jewish attack upon Afro-centrism; lifestyle hypocrisies of wealthy liberal Jews; the tradition of Jewish name-changing; Jewish tribalism in American politics; Jewish pre-eminence in "separation of Church and state" lawsuits; Jewish religious exploitation of legal channels to garner federal funds; the pro-Jewish legal double standard that effects Judaism and Christianity; public Jewish universalist facades over private chauvinist identities.21. Money, Class, Power [408 Kilobytes] [about 88 paper pages] Jews as the wealthiest ethnic group in America and as a key strata in western societies; Jewish pre-eminence in the fashion and clothing industry; Jewish monopolization of the diamond business; extinction of a Jewish proletariat; Jewish American billionaires; prominent Jewish entrepreneurs in Europe; Jewish international influence in real estate; Jewish-owned department stores, liquor conglomerates, and numerous other companies, from toy- to weapons-manufacturing; Jewish CEOs of giant American companies; growing Jewish dominance of the business side of the sports world, as team owners, agents, and professional league officials; Jewish money and entrepreneurial power in basketball, baseball, football, boxing, skiing, wrestling, body building; traditional Jewish tribalism in the marketplace.
22. Wall Street/Jewish-Israeli Ethics, and the World of Fund Raising [299 Kilobytes] [about 64 paper pages] The Jewish "Old Crowd" and "New Crowd" on Wall Street; Jewish activism in corporate mergers and acquisitions; investment banking; Jewish corporate raiders; Michael Milken and the Jewish-centered Wall Street scandals of the 1980s; Jews and international white collar crime; financial and other scandals in Israel; protective flight to Israel for Jewish criminals throughout the world; Jewish professional scam artists; Jewish criminal contributions to the state of Israel and major Jewish organizations; sexual harassment and exploitation in the Jewish-dominated psychoanalytic field; Jewish organizations' focus on raising money above all other considerations; the question of Jewish values and ethics.
23. Drugs and Drug Money Laundering within Jewish Networks: the "Russian" Mafia, the "Ultra-Orthodox," and Others [294 Kilobytes] [about 62 paper pages] Jewish historical influence in the criminal drug world; drug money laundering in New York City's Jewish diamond world; the international cocaine triangle: Israelis, other Jewish couriers and launderers, and the Colombian drug cartel; drug money laundering through Jewish ultra-Orthodox religious networks; special privileges afforded Jews in prison; Jewish pre-eminence in the smuggling of marijuana and Ecstasy; Jewish pre-eminence in the "Russian" Mafia; Jewish Russian influence in the giant International Monetary Fund scandal; crime in the ultra-Orthodox community; criminals' protection from being identified as Jewish in the mass media; the exploitation of the accusation of anti-Semitism by Jewish criminals; the Jewish ethnic media's self-reflections about the crisis in Jewish ethics.
24. (In three parts)
Jewish Influence in the Mass Media (pt. 1) [362 Kilobytes] [about 76 paper pages] Jewish control of the mass media; Jewish filmmakers, comedians; the popularity of psychoanalysis in Hollywood; non-Jewish movie stars in the Jewish world; the Jewish "shiksa cult" and its role in institutionalized sexual predation in Hollywood; Jewish dominance of major Hollywood studios; Jewish screenwriters; Jewish nepotism; pre-eminence of Jewish women in the Hollywood power elite; Norman Lear, Aaron Spelling, and other powerful Jewish executives of note; the name-changing of Jewish celebrities; African-American resistance to Jewish Hollywood hegemony; the semantic issue of whether "Jews control Hollywood" or "Jewish individuals control Hollywood."24 (In three parts)
Jewish Influence in the Mass Media (pt. 2) [591 Kilobytes] [about 123 paper pages] Laurence Tisch's pro-Israel CBS experiment; Time-Warner; erosion of family values at Jewish-dominated Disney-ABC; prevalence of drug glorification in Hollywood; Jewish pre-eminence in the strip tease and pornography worlds; the usual Hollywood double standard: a loving portrayal of Judaism and deconstructive attack upon Christianity; TV's celebration of Jewish identity and mass media defamation of Italian Americans, Ukrainians, Muslims, Arabs, and others; Jews at the helm of sleazy entertainment; Jewish pre-eminence in the news world, the publishing trades, the talent agency scene, radio, music; international Jewish pre-eminence in the mass media from Brazil to Poland24 (In three parts)
Jewish Influence in the Mass Media (pt. 3) [513 Kilobytes] [about 103 paper pages] The mass media's censorship of critical stories about Jews or Israel; Jews and the "intellectual" and "radical" media; Jewish dominance in the music world; Dear Abby, Ann Landers, and Jewish domination of the "agony aunt" field.25. Literature - "Intellectuals" - "The Family" [274 Kilobytes] [about 59 paper pages] Jewish dominance of the "American intellectual elite"; the intellectual "Jewish Mafia"; seminal influence of the Partisan Review; the change from the Jewish intellectual base from the socialist camp to the affluent elite; the Jewish "explosion" of literary talent; "Being Jewish" as a marketable commodity; Jewish authors' return to traditional Jewish identity and linkage to the Holocaust; Jewish pre-eminence in sociology, anthropology, and other academic fields; Jewish chauvinism and ethnocentrism in literature; Jews of the poetry world; Jewish pre-eminence in the intellectual elite of Europe.
26. Modern Art [370 Kilobytes] [about 81 paper pages] Jewish pre-eminence in "high culture," including classical music and the visual arts; Jewish talent agencies; Jewish dominance in the entrepreneurial realm of the visual arts; predominance of Jewish art dealers, critics, curators; Jewish philanthropy to art museums ("he that pays the piper calls the tune"); Jewish dominance of the photography field; defamation of Christianity in the art world.
27 (In two parts)
Government (pt. 1) [300 Kilobytes] [about 60 paper pages] Jewish pre-eminence in American government; Jewish economic influence, especially within the Democratic Party; money control by a special interest group as the destroyer of true democracy; the dominant Jewish-Israeli lobbying organization: the American Israel Public Action Committee (AIPAC); Jewish lobbying for Israel, Holocaust-related issues, Jewish immigration to America, and other ethnocentric concerns.
27 (in two parts)
Government (pt. 2)
[420 Kilobytes]
[about 83 paper
domination of
the Bill Clinton
the Monica
Lewinsky case;
Israeli spies in
the American
influence in
throughout the
28. Israel and Zionism [566 Kilobytes] [about 144 paper pages] The myths about Israel; an overview of Zionism; Jewish American fantasies about the Jewish state; the American mass media as a tool for Israeli propaganda; Israel as a separatist, racist, and undemocratic country; the obnoxious "sabra"; the condition of Arabs under Israeli rule; institutionalized torture of arrested Palestinians; Israeli exploitation of internationally imported laborers; intra-Jewish racism; the Israeli weapons industry and Israeli support for worldwide dictatorships.
29. Epilogue [31 Kilobytes] [about 6 paper pages]
30. Bibliography (in four sections) [Total four sections equal about 117 paper pages] Books, magazines, journals, newspapers, and Internet sites from which the thousands of citations in this project are found.
Bibliography A-D [210 Kilobytes]
Bibliography E-I [190 Kilobytes]
Bibliography J-P [230 Kilobytes]
Bibliography Q-Z [230 Kilobytes]
OTHER LINKS: Other Web sites of related interest.