From: "Jon"

Subject: Vatican Lawsuit Liability exceeds $1 billion in USA Courts
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 10:54:43 -0400
California Law Offices of Tom Easton & Jonathan Levy
Contact: Jonathan Levy Tel. 513-528-0586
For Immediate Release May 19, 2002
Vatican Lawsuit Liability exceeds $1 billion in USA Courts
The Vatican, which has long claimed immunity to lawsuits, is now facing claimants seeking more than $1 billion. Insurance commissioners from Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Okalahoma, and Arkansas have joined Holocaust victims and victims of pedophile priests in filing lawsuits against the Vatican and Vatican Bank. The Insurance commissioners are seeking over $600 million in a RICO (Anti Racketeering) lawsuit that has named several top Cardinals including two former Papal Nuncios to the United States and the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Sodano, as co-conspirators with convicted financier Martin Frankel in an unsuccessful attempt to launder an incredible $150 billion in insurance assets. Frankel who has plead guilty to 20 counts of wire fraud and one count each of securities fraud, racketeering, racketeering conspiracy and a forfeiture charge has been cooperating with the government in retrieving $200 million in missing insurance assets. Frankel faces 150 years in prison and will be sentenced next year. Vatican officials allegedly received pay offs from Frankel and his associates in exchange for use of a Vatican operated charity as money laundering conduit. A Vatican monsignor, Colagiavanni, who also is facing racketeering charges, assisted Frankel in taking over unsuspecting insurance companies. Cardinal Laghi, former Vatican Nuncio to the USA, received $100,000 from Frankel. The Vatican Bank, which is controlled by Cardinal Sodano, issued a key letter of credit that Frankel used in his insurance schemes. The Vatican's legal problems in the US first arose in November 1999 when California attorneys Tom Easton and Jonathan Levy filed a class action lawsuit seeking return of gold and funds looted from Yugoslavia during WWII and laundered by the Vatican bank post war. The wartime treasure is valued at several hundreds of millions. Earlier this year sexual abuse victims in the US sued the Vatican and now the insurance commissioners are seeking restitution and penalties of over $600 million. All the lawsuits are pending. According to co-counsel in the WWII case, Jonathan Levy, all the cases have an excellent chance of beating Vatican immunity defenses: "The Vatican used up its goodwill long ago, it has violated too many international laws and laundered too much money for anyone to believe its wholesale denials anymore. They stand to lose more than a billion dollars due to a lifestyle of crime and corruption by their top officials."

For more information see:

NOTE: Here is an excerpt about Martin Frankel, from When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America:

Given the widespread evidence of Jewish corruption, money-laundering, drug-dealing, et al throughout the world, within expressly Jewish networks, there has never been an article in the West that investigates this phenomenon as a unified theme. It is institutionally forbidden to criticize the Jewish community in such a manner. Yet, on the other hand, Fortune magazine can freely impugn the heart of Catholicism with an "exclusive" feature story, screaming in bold type across its cover, Scandal in the Vatican. In reading the article, however, one discovers that the story's essence is really a Jewish swindler named Martin Frankel, who remained a fugitive at the time of the article. "In short," says Fortune, "Frankel ... appear[ed] to be requesting that the Vatican front for him as a money launderer in return for 10% of the funds (looted from his U.S. insurance companies)." [BEHAR, p. 31]

Why, one must wonder, does the "scandal at the Vatican" merit a cover story and lurid attention, when not only was the central criminal in the story Jewish, preying on the Catholic hierarchy, but "money-laundering fronts" are a cottage industry throughout Orthodox Jewish religious institutions and are occasioned -- as a Jewish issue -- as little publicity as possible. Let alone the widespread activities of hardcore Israeli drug dealers, couriers, and launderers, poisoning a variety of countries.

"Though [Frankel] was raised Jewish and expressed fervently pro-Israel political views to friends," noted the New York Times, "Mr. Frankel aggressively courted the Catholic Church and the Vatican religious hierarchy beginning last summer." [KAHN, J., 6-25-99, p. A1] The International Herald Tribune also ran a headline about the Frankel case, declaring "2 Priests at Center of Insurance Scam." Again, reading the article, we find the central culprit is Frankel, known to the Christian clergymen as "David Rosse, a middle-aged tycoon who claimed descent from the Jewish King David and said he was eager to give at least $50 million to the Roman Catholic Church. They supported the St. Francis of Assisi Foundation, a charity Mr. Frankel set up and then attempted to use to buy several insurance companies in the United States." [Stanley, A., p. 13] "Together," said journalist Alessandra Stanley, the two priests "provided a clerical cloak of respectability for a Greenwich, Connecticut, money manager who authorities suspect embezzled more than $300 million from a web of insurance companies across the United States." [STANLEY, p. 13] Priest Peter Jacobs, whose father was Jewish, noted the Fortune piece, "was Frankel's confidant (and, it seems, his unwilling tool) for the past year." [BEHAR, p. 29]

Fortune also noted Frankel's scandal to possibly "be the biggest -- it is certainly the strangest -- scandal in the history of the insurance agency ... News stories are revealing details about Frankel's complex scam -- and the sordid life that went with it." [BEHAR, p. 29] As the New York Times noted, "Pornography and sexual fetishes were prominent features of the [Frankel] house. According to police reports, during a search of the house following the death of Ms. [Frances] Buge [whose death in 1997 by hanging was ruled a suicide despite neighbors' testimony that they heard screams], the authorities discovered a leather riding crop, ropes and sadomasochistic literature and videos." [KAHN, J., 6-25-99, p. A1]

In May 1999, Frankel's $3.5 million house burned down. "The firefighters," noted the Baltimore Sun, "doused the flames and called the police, who found strange notations on some of the charred documents. The top line on a handwritten 'to-do' list poked from the fire read, 'Launder money.' The next line: 'Get $ to Israel get it back in.'" [SCHNEIDER, G., 7-1-99, p. 1A]

(Are there financial swindles in the religious Christian world actually instigated by Christians? Of course. One "Rabbi Rudin," National Interreligious Affairs Director for the American Jewish Congress, provided the public with his article in 1996 about the "embezzlement epidemic" that "plagues U.S. Religion." Rudin cited four instances of such corruption in Christian affairs that he found [one each from the Evangelical Lutherans, Episcopals, Roman Catholics and United Methodists] -- he didn't bother to note any examples of criminality in the Jewish community. [RUDIN, 9-28-96, p. D6])

Another Jewish predator upon Christian churches has been Marcel Harpin (known to the Church of Christ in Delaware, as evidence by a stolen passport, as "Felix Schuster" of Switzerland). Harpin was a "con man" who "roamed the country scamming churches" noted the Providence Journal-Bulletin in 1994. He got in touch with the Church of Christ, claimed that he was a medical student who had just been robbed of the last of his money, said he was raised as an Orthodox Jew but was interested in converting to Christianity, and was taken home by a church family. He eventually absconded with $1,750 from them but was caught in Nashville, Tennessee, trying the same scam at a church there. It was discovered that he was also "wanted on similar charges in Washington and Atlanta." [RAY, E., 6-23-94, p. D13]