Barbarians at the Gate: US Occupation Forces Torture Iraqi P.O.W's

Jewess Brigadier General Janis Karpinski Suspended


Iraqi POW tied to electrodes
Los Angeles, Alta California - April 29, 2004 - (ACN) Since the declaration of the end of Gulf War II on May 1, 2003 by President George Bush, there have been widespread incidents of US war atrocities committed against Iraqi civilians and prisoners of war. These incidents have generally been unreported by the mainstream media until last night when CBS Television "60 Minutes" showed a series of photographs depicting the barbaric, demeaning and extremely inhumane torture of Iraqi prisoners of war by the US Military Police in charge of managing the P.O.W. prisons in Iraq.

Chief US Torturer - Brigadier General Janis Karpinski
Among the worst of the photographs shown by CBS Television to millions of Americans and other viewers worldwide where some taken at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad that showed Iraqi prisoners of war with wires attached to their genitals, a dog attacking a prisoner, prisoners being forced to simulate having sex with each other and a prisoner with an abusive word carved on his body. The photographs have outraged the entire world and has greatly increased the intense hate Islam already has towards the USA, Israel and their allies.

This titless US dyke is rumored to be General Karpinski's lover
The barbaric and animalistic behavior of the US occupation soldiers, as exposed by the photographs, has resulted in the suspension of the Chief US Occupation Military Warden in charge of the Abu Ghraib prison, Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, the highest ranking woman in Iraq. Six other members of the Military Police are facing court martial. One of these is Sergeant Chip Frederick, a reservist whose civilian job is as a prison guard in the state of Virginia. The charges of the court martial include conspiracy, dereliction of duty, cruelty, maltreatment, assault and indecent acts with another.

Arabs say US soldiers are immoral and children of the "Great Satan"!
All of the six military police reservists facing court martial belong to the Cumberland, Maryland based 372nd Military Police Company that is attached to the 800th Military Police Brigade that is commanded by Brigadier General Janis Karpinski. Former army reserve Col. Janis L. Karpinski was nominated for appointment to the rank of brigadier general by Donald Rumsfeld and approved by George Bush on March 12, 2003.


Sadig Abrahim shows signs of "electric shock torture" on the soles of his feet. Three pictures in the possession of CBS News show horrific electrode injuries on the genitals of three Iraqi POW's.
There are rumors among the MP's in the 800th Military Police Brigade that Brigadier General Janis Karpinski is a "dyke" even though she is, on paper, married to Lieutenant Colonel George Karpinski, who works with the U.S. Embassy in the small Arab nation of Oman. Some of the photographs shown by CBS may bear this out. At least two of the photographs showed a "dykish" looking MP taking particularly pleasure at the sadistic torture being inflicted on the male Iraqi prisoners of war. This "dykish" looking MP was also shown next to two prisoners forced into sexual positions with her hand in a "thumbs down" gesture.

The USA Abu Ghraib prison has become a hell hole for the Iraqis
It is an immense hypocrisy that the Bush Administration would strongly criticise Saddam Hussein's supposed cruelties at the Abu Ghraib prison. Today, the "liberators" are committing equal or worse crimes against humanity inside this very same dungeon.


