Deformed Iraqi babies caused by USA use of depleted uranium
The following pictures were provided by Dr. Siegwart Horst-Gunther, authored of a 1996 book titled, "URANIUM PROJECTILES - SEVERELY MAIMED SOLDIERS, DEFORMED BABIES, DYING CHILDREN" (ISBN: 3-89484-805-7). The book is a documentary record of the depleted urnaium ammunition effects on Iraqi babies that were taken between 1993 and 1995. The book has been censored in the USA. Dr. Gunther also has in his possesion additional photographs from his unpublished collection which feature the birth deformities being experienced by USA Iraqi war veterans' children. Dr. Gunther has given permission for his pictures to be treated as 'Public Domain' and copyright free. Please reproduce them and distribute them as widely as possible.
The deformities are similar to those experienced by both Vietnam war veterans and Vietnamese mothers because of the US Military/Industrial Complex's use of the abominable chemical of mass destruction called "Agent Orange". The Pentagon has swept these American baby deformities and its causes under the rug.
The USA is presently ruled by extreme evil people who do not care about human life but only in "MONEY". This group includes those who benefit from profits in the "war weapons industry" and cronies in the Bush Administration involved in "OIL". These two groups are utilizing Americas's youths as dupes. Most of the soldiers in Iraq are poor and uneducated. They are merely being utilized by the "USA ruling elite" as "cannon fodder" to protect their wealth and interests. They are being duped by making them believe that they are "heroes" and "patriots". It is very sad!
La Voz de Aztlan encourages our readership to support mother Cindy Sheehan in her struggle to support USA troops and to bring them home. Cindy, mom to a USA occupation soldier who needlessly lost his life in foreign soil, has awaken to the realities of the USA war against Iraq. She is presently camping at Bush's Crawford Ranch in protest and will be joining a massive rally in front of the White House on September 24. Viva Cindy Sheehan!
Child with almost total deformity of the face; no recognisable features at all, and what appears to be one eye situated in the middle of the forehead. Child with hydrocephalus. ![]()
Extreme hydrocephalus; deformity of face, body and ear. The line running down the right hand side of the head would appear to show that potentially two heads were forming. ![]()
Deformity of ear; possible deformation of lower body. ![]()
Born without eyes. I can offer no explanation as to the translucent quality of the skin other than it is possibly a result of flash photography at close range. ![]()
Huge hole in child's back, which is, I believe, an extreme form of Spina Bifida. ![]()
Possibly taken shortly after birth, this picture appears to show ambiguous genitalia, sometimes referred to as 'Non-Viable Children'. ![]()
This child is completely covered in a white susbstance of unknown properties. Obvious deformation of face and eyes. Flash photography at close range obscures detail. ![]()
Two children with similar deformities of the face.
Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as 'Zyklopie.'![]()
Child with unknown white substance covering almost the whole body. ![]()
Front view of same child. Severe deformities of mouth and eyes. The welts appear to indicate open wounds, or unformed skin tissue. ![]()
Severe body deformity, with head formed at 90 degree angle to upper torso. ![]()
Severe hydrocephalus; again, almost as though two heads were being formed. ![]()
Flash at close range obscures detail, but this appears to show malformation of the mouth and one eye missing, with the eye socket deformed. ![]()
It isn't clear what has happened to this child, and I have no explanation for the dark nature and condition of the skin. ![]()
Lack of focus obscures detail, but missing eyes are clearly visible, as is deformity of the mouth. ![]()
This picture would appear to show another 'Non Viable' child, possible male, with penis and scrotum merged. ![]()
Horrendous deformity of entire body and head. Note lack of eyes and malformation of the hands and feet. ![]()
Child with unknown defomity of the mouth, possibly a large tumour grown during foetal stage. ![]()
Malformation of hands, with almost total merging of all digits. ![]()
Severe malformation of face. Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as 'Zyklopie.' ![]()
Severe deformity of arms. This child was born to a US Gulf veteran. ![]()
Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus, and defects of cerebral nerves. ![]()
Child with previously unknown renal disease, first diagnosed in Iraq by Dr. Gunther. The speculation is that the child had played with DU ammunition casings. Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus, and defects of cerebral nerves.