None dare call it conspiracy
By Gary Allen
Chapter one
Most of us have had the experience, either as parents or youngsters, of trying to discover
the "hidden picture' within another picture in a children's magazine.
Usually you are
shown a landscape with trees, bushes, flowers and other bits of nature. The caption reads
something like this: "Concealed somewhere in this picture is a donkey pulling a cart with
a boy in it. Can you find them?"
Try as you might, usually you could not find the hidden
picture until you turned to a page farther back in the magazine which would reveal how
cleverly the artist had hidden it from us.
If we study the landscape we realize that the
whole picture was painted in such a way as to conceal the real picture within, and once
we see the "real picture," it stands out like the proverbial painful digit.
We believe the picture painters of the mass media are artfully creating landscapes for us
which deliberately hide the real picture.In this book we will show you how to discover the
"hidden picture" in the landscapes presented to us daily through newspapers, radio and.
Once you can see through the camouflage, you will see the donkey, the cart
and the boy who have been there all along.
Millions of Americans are concerned and frustrated over mishappenings in our nation.
They feel that something is wrong, drastically wrong, but because of the picture painters
they can't quite put their fingers on it.
Maybe you are one of those persons. Something is bugging you, but you aren't sure what.
We keep electing new Presidents who seemingly promise faithfully to halt the world-
wide Communist advance, put the blocks to extravagant government spending, douse the
tide of inflation, put the economy on an even keel, reverse the trend which is turning the
country into a moral sewer, and toss the criminals into the hoosegow where they belong.
Yet despite high hopes and glittering campaign promises these problems continue to
worsen no matter who is in office.
Each new administration, whether it be Republican or
Democrat continues the same basic policies of the previous administration which it had
so thoroughly denounced during the election campaign.
It is considered poor form to
mention this, but it is true nonetheless.
Is there a plausible reason to explain why this
We are not supposed to think so.
We are supposed to think it is all accidental
and coincidental and that therefore there is nothing we can do about it.
FDR once said "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was
planned that way."
He was in a good position to know.
We believe that many of the
major world events that are shaping our destinies occur because somebody or somebodies
have planned them that way.
If we were merely dealing with the law of averages, half of
the events affecting our nation's well-being should be good for America.
If we were
dealing with mere incompetence, our leaders should occasionally make a mistake in our
We shall attempt to prove 'that we are not really dealing with coincidence or
stupidity, but with planning and brilliance.
This small book deals with that planning and
brilliance and how it has shaped the foreign and domestic policies of the last six
We hope it will explain matters which have up to now seemed
inexplicable; that it will bring into sharp focus images which have been obscured by the
landscape painters of the mass media.
Those who believe that major world events result from planning are laughed at for
believing in the "conspiracy theory of history."
Of course, no one in this modern day and age really
believes in the conspiracy theory of history except those who have taken the time to
study the subject.
When you think about it, there are really only two theories of history.
Either things happen by accident neither planned nor caused by anybody, or they happen
because they are planned and somebody causes them to happen.
In reality, it is the
accidental theory of history preached in the unhallowed Halls of Ivy which should be
Otherwise, why does every recent administration make the same mistakes as
the previous ones?
Why do they repeat the errors of the past which produce inflation,
depressions and war?
Why does our State Department "stumble" from one Communist-
aiding "blunder" to another?
If you believe it is all an accident or the result of mysterious
and unexplainable tides of history, you will be regarded as an "intellectual" who
understands that we live in a complex world.
If you believe that something like 32,496
consecutive coincidences over the past forty years stretches the law of averages a bit, you
are a kook!
Primarily,most scholars follow the crowd in the academic world just as most women follow fashions.
Why is it that virtually all "reputable" scholars and mass media columnists and commentators
reject the cause and effect or conspiratorial theory of history?
To buck the tide means social and professional ostracism. The same is true of the mass media.
While professors and pontificators profess to be tolerant and broadminded, in practice it's
strictly a one way street-with all traffic flowing left.
A Maoist can be tolerated by
Liberals of Ivory Towerland or by the Establishment's media pundits, but to be a
conservative, and a conservative who propounds a conspiratorial view, is absolutely
Better you should be a drunk at a national WCTU convention!
Secondly, these people have over the years acquired a strong vested emotional interest in
their own errors.
Their intellects and egos are totally committed to the accidental theory.
Most people are highly reluctant to admit that they have been conned or have shown poor
To inspect the evidence of the existence of a conspiracy guiding our political
destiny from behind the scenes would force many of these people to repudiate a lifetime
of accumulated opinions.
It takes a person with strong character indeed to face the facts
and admit he has been wrong even if it was because he was uninformed.
Such was the case with the author of this book.
It was only because he set out to prove the conservative anti-Communists wrong that he happened to end up writing this book.
His initial reaction to the conservative point of view was one of suspicion and hostility; and it was only after
many months of intensive research that he had to admit that he had been "conned."
Politicians and "intellectuals" are attracted to the concept that events are propelled by
some mysterious tide of history or happen by accident.
By this reasoning they hope to
escape the blame when things go wrong.
Most intellectuals, pseudo and otherwise, deal with the conspiratorial theory of history
simply by ignoring it.
They never attempt to refute the evidence.
It can't be refuted.
If and
when the silent treatment doesn't work, these "objective" scholars and mass media
opinion molders resort to personal attacks, ridicule and satire.
The personal attacks tend
to divert attention from the facts which an author or speaker is trying to expose.
The idea
is to force the person exposing the conspiracy to stop the exposure and spend his time and
effort defending himself.
However, the most effective weapons used against the conspiratorial theory of history are
ridicule and satire.
These extremely potent weapons can be cleverly used to avoid any
honest attempt at refuting the facts.
After all, nobody likes to be made fun of.
Rather than
be ridiculed most people will keep quiet; and, this subject certainly does lend itself to
ridicule and satire.
One technique which can be used is to expand the conspiracy to the
extent it becomes absurd.
For instance, our man from the Halls of Poison Ivy might say in
a scoffingly arrogant tone, "I suppose you believe every liberal professor gets a telegram
each morning from conspiracy headquarters containing his orders for the day's
brainwashing of his students?"
Some conspiratorialists do indeed overdraw the picture by
expanding the conspiracy (from the small clique which it is) to include every local knee-
jerk liberal activist and government bureaucrat.
Or, because of racial or religious bigotry,
they will take small fragments of legitimate evidence and expand them into a conclusion
that will support their particular prejudice, i.e., the conspiracy is totally "Jewish,"
"Catholic," or "Masonic".
These people do not help to expose the conspiracy, but, sadly
play into the hands of those who want the public to believe that all conspiratorialists are
"Intellectuals" are fond of mouthing cliches like "The conspiracy theory is often
tempting. However, it is overly simplistic."
To ascribe absolutely everything that happens
to the machinations of a small group of power hungry conspirators is overly simplistic.
But, in our opinion nothing is more simplistic than doggedly holding onto the accidental
view of major world events.
In most cases Liberals simply accuse all those who discuss the conspiracy of being
paranoid. "Ah, you right wingers," they say, "rustling every bush, kicking over every
rock, looking for imaginary boogeymen."
Then comes the coup de grace-labeling the
conspiratorial theory as the "devil theory of history."
The Liberals love that one.
though it is an empty phrase, it sounds so sophisticated!
With the leaders of the academic and communications world assuming this sneering
attitude towards the conspiratorial (or cause and effect) theory of history, it is not
surprising that millions of innocent and well-meaning people, in a natural desire not to
appear naive, assume the attitudes and repeat the cliches of the opinion makers.
persons, in their attempt to appear sophisticated, assume their mentors' air of smug
superiority even though they themselves have not spent five minutes in study on the
subject of international conspiracy.
The "accidentalists" would have us believe that ascribing any of our problems to planning
is "simplistic" and all our problems are caused by Poverty, Ignorance and Disease
here in after abbreviated as PID.
They ignore the fact that organized conspirators use PID,
real and imagined, as an excuse to build a jail for us all.
Most of the world has been in
PID since time immemorial and it takes incredibly superficial thinking to ascribe the
ricocheting of the United States government from one disaster to another over the past
thirty years to PID.
"Accidentalists" ignore the fact that some of the more advanced
nations in the world have been captured by Communists.
Czechoslovakia was one of the
World's most modern industrial nations and Cuba had the second highest per capita
income of any nation in Central and South America.
It is not true, however, to state that there are no members of the intellectual elite who
subscribe to the conspiratorial theory of history.
For example, there is Professor Carroll
Quigley of the Foreign Service School at Georgetown University.
Professor Quigley can
hardly be accused of being a "right wing extremist."
(Those three words have been made
inseparable by the mass media.)
Dr. Quigley has all the "liberal" credentials, having
taught at the Liberal Establishment's academic Meccas of Princeton and Harvard.
In his 1300- page, 8 pound tome Tragedy and Hope, Dr. Quigley reveals the existence of the
conspiratorial network which will be discussed in this book.
The Professor is not merely
formulating a theory, but revealing this network's existence from firsthand experience.
He also makes it clear that it is only the network's secrecy and not their goals to which he
Professor Quigley discloses:
"I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and
was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records.
INSTRUMENTS. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies
but in general my chief difference of opinion is that IT WISHES TO REMAIN
UNKNOWN, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."
We agree, its role in history does deserve to be known.
That is why we have written this
However, we most emphatically disagree with this network's aim which the
Professor describes as "nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in
private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of
the world as a whole."
In other words, this power mad clique wants to control and rule
the world.
Even more frightening, they want total control over all individual actions.
Professor Quigley observes:"this[the individual's]freedom and choice will be
controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth
and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other
public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final
retirement and death benefits."
It wants control over all natural resources, business,
banking and transportation by controlling the governments of the world.
In order to
accomplish these aims the conspirators have had no qualms about fomenting wars,
depressions and hatred.
They want a monopoly which would eliminate all competitors
and destroy the free' enterprise system.
And Professor' Quigley, of Harvard, Princeton
and Georgetown approves!
Professor Quigley is not the only academic who is aware of the existence of a clique of
self-perpetuating conspirators whom we shall call Insiders.
Other honest scholars finding
the same individuals at the scenes of disastrous political fires over and over again have
concluded that there 'is obviously an organization of pyromaniacs at work in the world.
But these intellectually honest scholars realize that if they challenged the Insiders head-
on, their careers would be destroyed.
The author knows these men exist because he has
been in contact with some of them.
There are also religious leaders who are aware of the existence of this conspiracy.
In a
UPI story dated December 27, 1965, Father Pedro Arrupe, head of the Jesuit Order of the
Roman Catholic church, made the following charges during his remarks to the
Ecumenical Council:
Godless society operates in an extremely efficient manner at least in its higher
levels of leadership.
It makes use of every possible means at its disposal, be they
scientific, technical, social or economic.
It follows a perfectly mapped-out strategy. It holds almost complete sway in international
organizations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications; press, cinema,
radio and television."
There are a number of problems to be overcome in convincing a person of the possible
existence of a conspiratorial clique of Insiders who from the very highest levels
manipulate government policy.
In this case truth is really stranger than fiction.
We are
dealing with history's greatest "whodunit," a mystery thriller which puts Erle Stanley
Gardner to shame.
If you love a mystery, you'll be fascinated with the study of the
operations of the insiders.
If you do study this network of which Professor Quigley
speaks, you will find that what had at first seemed incredible not only exists, but heavily
influences our lives.
It must be remembered that the first job of any conspiracy, whether it be in politics, crime
or within a business office, is to convince everyone else that no conspiracy exists.
conspirators success will be determined largely by their ability to do this.
That the elite of the academic world and mass communications media always pooh-pooh the existence of
the Insiders merely serves to camouflage their operations.
These "artists" hide the boy,
the cart and the donkey.
Probably at some time you have been involved with or had personal knowledge of some
event which was reported in the news.
Perhaps it concerned an athletic event, an election,
a committee or your business.
Did the report contain the "real" story, the story behind the
Probably not.
And for a variety of reasons.
The reporter had time and space
problems and there is a good chance the persons involved deliberately did not reveal all
the facts.
Possibly the reporter's own prejudices governed what facts went into the story
and which were deleted.
Our point is that most people know from personal experience
that a news story often is not the whole story.
But many of us assume that our own case is
unique when really it is typical.
What is true about the reporting of local events is equally
as true about the reporting of national and international events.
Psychological problems are also involved in inducing people to look at the evidence
concerning the Insiders.
People are usually comfortable with their old beliefs and
When Columbus told people the world was a ball and not a pancake, they
were highly upset.
They were being asked to reject their way of thinking of a lifetime and
adopt a whole new outlook.
The "intellectuals" of the day scoffed at Columbus and
people were afraid they would lose social prestige if they listened to him.
Many others
just did not want to believe the world was round.
It complicated too many things.
typical flat-earthers had such a vested interest involving their own egos, that they heaped
abuse on Columbus for challenging their view of the universe.
Don't confuse us with
facts; our minds are made up," they said.
These same factors apply today.
Because the Establishment controls the media, anyone
exposing the Insiders will be the recipient of a continuous fusillade of invective from
newspapers, magazines, TV and radio.
In this manner one is threatened with loss of
"social respectability" if he dares broach the idea that there is organization behind any of
the problems currently wracking America.
Unfortunately, for many people social status
comes before intellectual honesty. Although they would never admit it social position is
more important to many people than is the survival of freedom in America.
If you ask these people which is more important social respectability or saving their
children from slavery they will tell you the latter, of course.
But their actions (or lack
of same) speak so much louder than their words.
PeopIe have an infinite capacity for
rationalization when it comes to refusing to face the threat to America's survival.
down these people are afraid they may be laughed at if they take a stand, or may be
denied an invitation to some social climber's cocktail party.
Instead of getting mad at the
insiders, these people actually get angry at these who are trying to save the country by
exposing the conspirators.
One thing which makes it so hard for some socially minded people to assess the
conspiratorial evidence objectively is that the conspirators come from the very highest
social strata.
They are immensely wealthy, highly educated and extremely cultured.
Many of them have lifelong reputations for philanthropy.
Nobody enjoys being put in the
position of accusing prominent people of conspiring to enslave their fellow Americans,
but the facts are inescapable.
Many business and professional people are particularly
vulnerable to the "don't jeopardize your social respectability" pitch given by those who
don't want the conspiracy exposed.
The Insiders know that if the business and
professional community will not take a stand to save the private enterprise system, the
socialism through which they intend to control the world will be inevitable.
They believe
that most business and professional men are too shallow and decadent, too status
conscious, too tied up in the problems of their jobs and businesses to worry about what is
going on in politics.
These men are told that it might be bad for business or jeopardize
their government contracts if they take a stand.
They have been bribed into silence with
their own tax monies!
We are hoping that the conspirators have underestimated the courage and patriotism
remaining in the American people.
We feel there are a sufficient number of you who are
not mesmerized by the television set, who put God, family and country above social
status, who will band together to expose and destroy the conspiracy of the insiders.
philosopher Diogenes scoured the length and breadth of ancient Greece searching for an
honest man.
We are scouring the length and breadth of America in search of hundreds of
thousands of intellectually honest men and women who are willing to investigate facts
and come to logical conclusions-no matter how unpleasant those conclusions may be.