None dare call it conspiracy
By Gary Allen
Chapter Eight
Many people cannot refrain from rationalizing.
After reading this book, some will
bemoan the fact that the situation is hopeless.
These will be many of the same people
who, before reading this book, really did not believe the problems facing us were serious.
Some people wake up and give up in the same week.
This is, of course, just exactly what
the Insiders want you to do.
The conspiracy can be defeated.
The insiders are not omnipotent.
It is true that they
control important parts of the federal government, high finance and the mass media.
they do not control everything, or the vise would already have been closed.
We might say
the conspiracy controls everything but you.
You are their Achilles heel if you are willing
to fight.
There is an old cliche in sports that quitters never win and winners never quit.
We need a million Americans who are not quitters, but, moreover, who have the will to
Of course, you can't buck the conspiracy head on trying to fight it on its home grounds.
But the Insiders are vulnerable to an end run.
and thousands of others like you can make an end run if you want to.
It is our intention in
this closing chapter to show why it can be done and how you can do it.
The timing for an end run has never been better.
What Barry Goldwater said in 1964,
people were willing to believe in 1968.
Most people who voted for Nixon did so because
he promised to balance the budget, not establish wage and price controls; slash
government spending, not multiply it; cut welfare, not push for a guaranteed annual
income; stand firm against the Communists, not lead the Red Chinese into the U. N.;
build America's defenses, not continue to unilaterally disarm us; and stop aid and trade
with our avowed Communist enemies, not double it.
These were the issues which
supposedly differentiated Nixon from Humphrey.
Now we see that Nixon has repudiated
his own promises and carried out those of his opponent.
By 1972, millions of Americans
will have concluded that there is little difference between the leadership of the two major
And more and more people are beginning to realize that there is a tiny clique of
conspirators at the top which controls both the Democrat and Republican Parties.
The one thing these conspirators cannot survive is exposure.
The Insiders are successful
only because so few of their victims know what is being planned and how Insiders are
carrying out those plans.
Conspiracies can operate only in the dark.
They cannot stand the
truthful light of day.
Once any sizeable minority of the American people becomes aware
of the conspiracy and what it is up to, the many decades of patient planning and work by
the Insiders in this country can be destroyed in an amazingly short period of time.
This job is largely a matter of getting others to realize that they have been conned and are
continuing to be conned.
You must become the local arm of the world's largest floating
But before you can go to work, pointing out these conspiratorial facts to
others, you must know the facts yourself.
This book is designed to give you these facts,
and can be your greatest tool.
It is available on tape casettes so that you can virtually
memorize its contents by listening to it repeatedly while you are washing the dishes or
driving to and from work.
The concept of an army of individuals which is dedicated to
exposing "the conspiracy" frightens the Insiders because it works outside the channels
which they control.
Richard Nixon has said of the Republican Party: "We've got to have a tent everyone can
get into." The Democrats have obviously believed that for a long time.
But a Party must be based on principles or it has no justification for existence.
Socialists into the Republican Party theoretically may broaden the base, but, in reality,
serves only to disfranchise those who believe in a Constitutional Republic and the free
enterprise system.
In 1972, the Republicans will try to make you forget that Richard Nixon was elected on
George Wallace's platform but has been carrying out Hubert Humphrey's.
The pitch will
be "party unity."
"If not Nixon then who?" will be the typical response to complaints
about Nixon's actions.
But unity with evil is evil.
During the campaign of 1972, Nixon
will again talk conservatively while the C.F.R.'s Democrat candidate will sound
frighteningly radical in order to stampede you into accepting Nixon as the lesser of two
The Establishment may even run its John Lindsay or Eugene McCarthy as a far
Left third or fourth party candidate in order to split the Democratic Party and re-elect
Richard Nixon with a comparatively small number of votes.
It is only logical that the Insiders will try to apply the coup de grace against America
through a Republican President simply because most people cannot believe that a
Republican could be "soft on Communism" or would jeopardize our liberty or
The watchdogs tend to go to sleep with a Republican in office.
Democrats and Republicans must break the Insider control of their respective parties.
C.F.R.-types and their flunkies and social climbing opportunist supporters must be
invited to leave or else the Patriots must leave.
It is up to you to put the politicians on the spot and make the C.F.R.-Insiders a campaign
This can be accomplished easily by creating the base of thinking that will oppose
their positions.
The Socialists must be forced to gather into one party.
The conspiracy
doesn't want the resultant clear distinction between party ideologies.
The Insiders want
the issues between the parties to be cloudy and gray, centering on personalities, not
Neither party can come out strongly against Socialism as long as it is pushing
Socialist programs.
But that is the way the Insiders want it.
The issue, very simply, is the enslavement of you and your children.
Just because many
of these Insiders are theoretically Americans, don't think they will spare this country the
terror they have brought to thirty others through their hired Communist thugs.
To the
Insiders, the world is their country and their only loyalty is to themselves and their fellow
Being an American means no more to them than being an honorary citizen
of Bali would mean to you.
It has not bothered their consciences one iota that millions of
your fellow human beings have been murdered, including 50,000 of your own sons in
In order to solidify their power in the United States they will need to do here
the same thing they have done in other countries.
They will establish and maintain their
dictatorship through stark terror.
The terror does not end with the complete take-over of
the Republic. Rather, then terror just begins… for total, all encompassing terror is an
absolute necessity to keep a dictatorship in power.
And terror does not mean merely
punishing the enemies of the New Order.
Terror requires the murdering and imprisoning
of people at random even many of those who helped them come to power.
Those who are complacent and hope to escape the terror because they were not involved
in politics or resisted the New Order coming to power must be made, by you, to
understand that this all-encompassing need for terror includes them especially… that they
cannot escape by doing nothing.
What can we expect from the conspiracy during the next few years?
Here are fourteen
signposts on the road to totalitarianism compiled some years ago by historian Dr. Warren
Carroll and a refugee from Yugoslavian Communism, Mike Djordjevich.
The list is not
in any particular order nor is the order of any particular significance as given here.
the imposition of any one of these new restrictions on liberty (none of which was in effect
when the list was compiled) would be a clear warning that the totalitarian state is very
near; and once a significant number of them-perhaps five has been imposed, we can
rationally conclude that the remainder would not be far behind and that the fight for
freedom and the preservation of the Republic has been lost in this country.
1. Restrictions on taking money out of the country and on the establishment or retention
of a foreign bank account by an American citizen.
2. Abolition of private ownership of hand guns.
3. Detention of individuals without judicial process.
4. Requirements that private financial transactions be keyed to social security numbers or
other government identification so that government records of these transactions can be
kept and fed into a computer.
5. Use of compulsory education laws to forbid attendance at presently existing private
6. Compulsory non-military service.
7. Compulsory psychological treatment for non-government workers or public school
8. An official declaration that anti-Communist organizations are subversive and
subsequent legal action taken to suppress them.
9. Laws limiting the number of people allowed to meet in a private home.
10. Any significant change in passport regulations to make passports more difficult to
obtain or use.
11. Wage and price controls, especially in a non-wartime situation
12. Any kind of compulsory registration with the government of where individuals work.
13. Any attempt to restrict freedom of movement within the United States.
14. Any attempt to make a new major law by executive decree (that is, actually put into
effect, not merely authorized as by existing executive orders.)
As you are np doubt aware President Nixon already has invoked numbers 1, 14 and 14.
Steps 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12 and 13 already have been proposed and some are actively
campaigned for by organized groups.
As of January 1, 1972 banks must report to the government any deposit or withdrawal over $5,000.
The next step will be to restrict the taking of money out of the country.
Big Brother is watching your bank account!
Increased government control over many kinds of private schools is proposed annually in
many state legislatures.
Compulsory non-military service-a universal draft of all young
men and women, with only a minority going into the armed services has been discussed
by the Nixon Administration as an alternative to the draft.
Sensitivity training is already
required for an increasing number of government workers, teachers and school children.
As long ago as 1961, Victor Reuther proposed that anti-Communist groups and
organizations be investigated and placed on the Attorney General's subversive list.
propaganda war in progress to force registration or confiscation of firearms is the number
one priority of all the collectivists-an armed citizenry is the major roadblock to a
totalitarian takeover of the United States.
You are in this fight whether you want to be or not.
Unless you are an Insider, you are a
Whether you are a multimillionaire or a pauper you have an enormous amount at
The Insiders are counting on your being too preoccupied with your own problems or too
lazy to fight back while the chains of slavery are being fastened on you.
They are
counting on their mass media to con you, frighten you, or ridicule you out of saving your
freedom, and, most of all, they are counting on your thinking you can escape by not
taking part in opposing their takeover.
They are also counting on those of you who recognize the conspiracy becoming so
involved with watching all moves that you become totally mesmerized by their
machinations, and thus become incapable of acting.
The choice is yours.
You can say, "It can't happen here!"
But nearly every one of the one
billion people enslaved by the Communists since 1945 doubtless said the same thing.
you can end run this whole conspiratorial apparatus.
The choice you must make was enunciated by Winston Churchill when he told the people
of England:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not
fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment
when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of
Because we have ignored warning after warning, we are now at that place in history.
Unless you do your part now, you will face a further choice, also described by Mr.
Churchill. He said:
"There may be even a worse fate. You may have to fight when there is no hope of
victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves."
If you are unwilling to get involved because you feel it may be bad for business or may
jeopardize your social respectability, just look into the eyes of your children and tell them
that making a buck and climbing the social ladder are more important to you than they
This is the end of our case.
If you have decided not to do anything about it, then you can close this book, read no
further, and turn out the light.
That is just what you will be doing for the United States of
America, and may God help us.
And may He have mercy on your soul.
If you decide that you will do something — that you at least are not yet controlled — read
on — pick up the ball we are tossing you and with thousands of others, let's "end run,"
the conspiracy.
Here's how: The four keys in this program are:
1. You. What you do now is, of course, the key to this whole operation.
If you delay, your
motivation will wane, your concern will recede, but the danger will increase.
the Insiders don't care how much you know about their conspiracy so long as you don't
do anything about it.
So keep reading and then act.
2. This book: None Dare Call It Conspiracy.
In writing this book we have tried to give a
concise overall picture of the nature of the conspiracy.
We wrote it not only to explain the
conspiracy, but to give you a complete program of action now, so that the many "You's"
around the country would not necessarily have to be articulate sales men to make your
"end run."
You can simply pass this book out and let it do the job for you.
The conspiracy
may be able to stifle publicity on this book and keep it off the magazine rack at your local
supermarket, but they can't stop you from distributing it to friends, neighbors, relatives
and business associates and especially in your precinct.
With a potential 30 million
distribution of this book to those mentioned above (and in a manner yet to be described),
you will create a base of opinion that will throw the Insiders out.
It is quite possible that in distributing this book, questions will come up concerning
certain statements and conclusions with which you are not able to deal.
There are a
number of organizations that have well documented material on all subjects raised in this
But after considerable personal research the author has concluded that the
organization which is the leader in this field, has had the most experience, and is doing
the best job of exposing the conspiracy is The John Birch Society.
(*The Berkeley Gazette stated in an editorial of August 26, 1971, commenting on The
John Birch Society's 1958 ten point predictions for the United States, "Whatever Else,
Call Him [Robert Welch] 'Correct?" Write Box 8352, San Marino, Ca. 91108, for copy of
Doesn't it appear strange that this organization which works toward decentralization of
political power and the exposure of the Insiders should be so vilified by the mass media,
while the Council On Foreign Relations, which promotes centralization of power in the
hands of a few within a world government, is practically never mentioned?
So contact
The John Birch Society for further back-up information (Belmont, Massachusetts 02178-
San Marino, California 91 108-or check your telephone directory for the nearest
American Opinion Bookstore)
3. Your Precinct. The precinct is the lowest denominator in our political structure.
politician will agree that whoever reaches and influences the most people in the precinct
wins the election.
When you break down the job to be done to this least common
denominator, it doesn't seem to be nearly as big a job as when you look at those millions
of votes that need to be switched.
Many elections are won or lost by less than five votes
per precinct.
Remember that every vote-switch you can accomplish (by planting the seed
with your book) really amounts to two votes, as it takes one from the other side.
Start your "end run" in your own precinct now.
Lists of registered voters are available
from your County Registrar.
With everyone working within his own precinct, the hit and
miss efforts of prior years will be avoided and organization will be added to this effort.
blanket coverage of your precinct will create talk between neighbors on this subject and
thereby greatly increase the number of persons reading this book.
4. Your Congressman. You have now completed the three simple basic moves in your
"end run.,' Barring a wholesale awakening by the American people, it is probably wishful
thinking to believe that the C.F.R.'s hold on the Presidency can be broken in 1972.
But it
is possible to block the Insiders' men in the House of Representatives.
Congress can still
lift a powerful voice against the conspiracy if only it would.
It can also throw a
searchlight on to the C.F.R.'s stranglehold on the executive branch of the government.
burglar tries to rob a house when a spotlight is on him.
With your effort Congress can be
that spotlight.
It is at the Congressional level that the conspiracy can be delayed at least until there is
sufficient strength to rout it.
But your local Congressional candidate must be forced to
take a public stand on the Council on Foreign Relations, its goals, and its power in the
federal government.
And once your candidate is elected you must make sure that he does
not submit to the incredible pressure which will be put upon him in Washington to
compromise his principles.
The Congressman for whom you are laying the base for
election must be as steadfast in Washington as he is at home in personal conversation
with you.
Keep in mind that a Congressman must return to his constituents every two
years for re-approval.
How would you like to be a Congressman who had voted for any one of the 14 Signposts
to Slavery, asking to be elected by constituents who had read None Dare Call It
It is therefore easier to keep a Congressman on the straight and narrow than
a Senator or the President.
The latter run less frequently than Congressmen and represent
tremendously larger geographical areas.
Although it is not easy, it is still possible for a
good Congressman to finance his campaign from within his district and not be dependent
on the Insiders for campaign contributions.
If there are no Congressional candidates worth supporting in your area at this time,
support one or more in other areas.
Never contribute money to the Republican or
Democratic National Committee.
That money, except in token amounts, will never reach
anti-C.F.R.-Establishment candidates, most of whom suffer from a severe shortage of
funds, at least until they are well established.
Only contribute your campaign dollars to
those who are committed to fighting the conspiracy. A candidate running on good
conservative principles is not enough.
We've had many such candidates, and although
most of them are very good men, they never come to grips with the real problems —
exposing those behind the World Socialist Movement.
So, organize your "end run," pass out your books and then keep your eagle eye on your
Congressman and his voting record.
This "end run" concept we are suggesting is not just a game we are playing even though
we use a football term.
To summarize: You do not necessarily have to be an articulate salesman to make this
"end run."
You do not necessarily have to know all the in's and out's of the total
conspiracy-the book is intended to do this for you.
All you have to do is find the where with all to purchase the books and one way or another
see that you blanket your precinct with them.
Then force your Congressman to stand up
to the C.F.R. Establishment.
It is simple. It is straightforward. It is a workable plan.
With 30 million "end runs" being made during I 972, you can, and will, rout the
conspiracy, turn the tide of history and prevent the enslavement of yourself and your
Remember, seeds planted in 1972 will pay off not only this year, but in 1974 and 1976. If
we do not build a large counter-revolutionary base in 1972 the ball game will be lost by 1976.
ADM. GEORGE W. ANDERSON, JR., Chairman, President's Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board
DR. GEORGE P. BAKER, Advisory Council on Executive Organization
GEORGE BALL, Foreign Policy Consultant to the State Department
JACOB D. BEAM, Ambassador to the Soviet Union
DAVID E. BELL. Member of the National Commission on Population Growth and the
American Future
LT. GEN. DONALD V. BENNETT, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
C. FRED BERGSTEN, Operations Staff of the National Security Council
ROBERT 0. BLAKE, Ambassador to Mali
FRED J. BORCIL Member, Commission on International Trade and Investment Policy
DR. HAROLD BROWN. General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency, and senior member of the U. S. delegation for talks with the
Soviet Union on Strategic Arm Limitations (S.A.L.T.)
WILLIAM B. BUFFUM, Deputy Representative to the United Nations; Ambassador to
ELLSWORTH BUNKER, Ambassador to South Vietnam
FREDERICK BURKHARDT, Chairman, National Commission on Libraries and
Information Service
DR. ARTHUR BURNS, Counsellor to the President-later Chairman of the Board of the
Federal Reserve, succeeding C.F.R. member William McCheaney Martin
HENRY A. BYROADE, Ambassador to She Philippines
LINCOLN P. BLOOMFIELD, Member, President's Commits [on for the Observance of
the 25th Anniversary of the U.N.
COURTENEY BROWN. Member, Commission on International Trade and Investment
DAVID K. B. BRUCE. Chief of the U. S. Delegation to the Paris Talks
HARLAN CLEVELAND, Ambassador to N.A.T.O.
RICHARD N. COOPER. Operations, Staff of the National Security Council
PHILIP K. CROWE, Ambassador to Norway
GARDNER COWLES. Board of Directors of National Center for Voluntary Action
WILLIAM B. DALE. Executive Director of International Monetary Fund
NATHANIEL DAVIS, Ambassador to Chile
C. DOUGLAS DILLON, General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency
SEYMOUR M. FINGER. Alternate to the 25th Session of the General Assembly of the
HARVEYS.FIRESTONE,JR… Chairman of the Board of Governors, United Service
Organization, Inc.
WILLIAM C. FOSTER. General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency
THOMAS S. GATES, Chairman, Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force
CARL J. GILBERT, Special Representative for Trade Negotiations
GEN. ANDREW I., GOODPASTER, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe
(succeeding C.F.R. member Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer)
KERMIT GORDON. General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency
JOSEPH ADOLPH GREENWALD, U. S. Rep. to the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development
GEN. ALFRED M. GRUENTHER, Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force
JOHN W. GARDNER, Board of Directors. National Center for Voluntary Action
RICHARD GARDNER, Member, Commission on International Trade and Investment
T. KEITH GLENNAN, U. S. Rep., International Atomic Energy Agency
GORDON GRAY, Member, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; Member,
Civilian Defense Advisory Council
MORTON HALPERIN. Operations Staff of the National Security Council
CHRISTIANA.HERTER,JR… CommissioneronthepartoftheU.S.ont he
International Joint Commission U. S. and Canada
REV. THEODORE M. HESBURGH, Chairman of the U. S. Commission on Civil
Rights; Member of Commission on All-Volunteer Armed Force
SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON, Task Force on International Development
JOHN N. IRWIN II, Special Emissary to Discuss Current U. S. Relations with Peru
1. K. JAMIESON, Member National Industrial Pollution Control Council
SEN. JACOB K. JAVITS, Rep. to 2Sth Session of General Assembly of U.N
JOSEPH E. JOHNSON, Alternate Rep. to the 24th Session of the General Assembly of
the U.N.
HOWARD W. JOHNSON, Member, National Commission on Productivity
JAMES R. KILLIAN, General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency
WILLIAM R. KINTNER. Member of Board of Foreign Scholarships
HENRY A. KISSINGER, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Chief
Foreign Policy Advisor
ANTONIE T. KNOPPERS. Member of Commission on International Trade and
Investment Policy
GEN. GEORGE A. LINCOLN, Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness
HENRY CABOT LODGE, Chief Negotiator at the Paris Peace Talks
GEORGE CABOT LODGE, Board of Directors, Inter-American Social Development
HENRY LOOMIS. Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency
DOUGLAS MacARTHUR II, Ambassador to Iran
ROBERT McCLINTOC. Ambassador to Venezuela
JOHN J. McCLOY, Chairman, General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency
PAUL W. McCRACKEN. Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors
EDWARD S. MASON, Task Force on International Development
CHARLES A. MEYER, Assistant Secretary of State
BRADFORD MILLS, President of Overseas Private Investment Corporation
FRANKLIN D. MURPHY. Member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
ROBERT D. MURPHY, Special Consultant on International Affairs
PAUL H. NITZE Senior member, U. S. Delegation for Talks with the Soviet Union on
Strategic Arms Limitations (S.A.L.T.)
GEN. LAURIS NORSTAD. Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force; Member,
General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ALFRED C. NEAL. Member, Commission on International Trade and Investment Policy
RODERIC L. O'CONNOR, Assistant Administrator for East Asia of the Agency for
International Development
ROBERT E. OSGOOD, Operations Staff of the National Security Council
FRANK PACE. JR., Member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
RICHARD F. PEDERSEN, Counselor of the State Department
JOHN R. PETTY, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
CHRISTOPHER H. PHILLIPS. Deputy Rep. in the U.N. Security Council
ALAN PIFER. Consultant to the President on Educational Finance
SEN. CLAIBORNE PELL, Rep. to 25th Session of the General Assembly of the U.N.
ISIDOR I. RABI. Consultant-at-Large to the President's Science Advisory Committee
STANLEY R. RESOR. Secretary of the Army
ELLIOT L. RICHARDSON. Undersecretary of State-now bead of the Dept. of Health,
Education and Welfare
JOHN RICHARDSON, JR., Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural
JAMES ROCHE. Board of Directors, National Center for Voluntary Action; Member,
National Commission on Productivity
DAVID ROCKEFELLER, Task Force on International Development
NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER. Head of a Presidential Mission to Ascertain the Views of
Leaders in the Latin American countries
RODMAN ROCKEFELLER. Member, Advisory Council for Minority Enterprise
ROBERT V. ROOSA. Task Force on International Development
KENNETH RUSH, Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany
DEAN RUSK. General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament
JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER III, Chairman, National Commission on Population Growth
and the American Future
NATHANIEL SAMUELS, Deputy Under secretary of State
ADOLPH WILLIAM SCHMIDT, Ambassador to Canada
JOSEPH J. SISCO. Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East and South Asia
DR. GLENN T. SEABORG, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
GERARD SMITH. Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
HENRY DeW. SMYTH. Alternate Rep. of the 13th Session of the General Conference of
the International Atomic Energy Agency
HELMUT SONNENFELDT. Operations Staff of the National Security Council
JOHN R. STEVENSON. Legal Advisor of the State Department
FRANK STANTON, U. S. Advisory Commission on Information
ROBERT STRAUS-HUPE. Ambassador to Ceylon and the Maldive Republic
LEROY STINEBOWER, Member, Cornmission on International Trade and Investment
MAXWELL D. TAYLOR, Chairman, President's Foreign intelligence Advisory Board
LLEWELLYN THOMPSON, Senior Member U. S. Delegation for talks with the Soviet
Union on Strategic Arms Limitations (S.A.L.T.)
PHILIP H. TREZISE, Assistant Secretary of State
CYRUS VANCE, General Advisory Committee of the U. S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency
RAWLEIGH WARNER, JR., Board of Trustees Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars
ARTHUR K. WATSON, Ambassador to France
THOMAS WATSON, Board of Directors, National Center for Voluntary Action
JOHN HAY WHITNEY, Board of Directors, Corporation for Public Broadcasting
FRANCIS 0. WILCOX, Member of President's Commission for the Observance of the
25th Anniversary of the U.N.
FRANKLIN HAYDN WILLIAMS, President's Personal Representative for the
Negotiation of Future Political Status with the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
WALTER WRISTON, Member, National Commission on Productivity
CHARLES W. YOST, Ambassador to the United Nations
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