From this static site no correspondence will be entered into. Its aim is to replace the power of the World Hate Establishment. Its hope rests on Saint Vincent Ferrer’s conviction that nothing short of the whole of singular truth ever convinced Jews. |
The meaning of life is war between good and evil whose chief protagonists are the blessed virgin Mary and Satan. The purpose of life is to save one’s eternally conscious soul. All events and behaviour become comprehensible in the light of this.
The horrific events of history’s most terrible century cannot be understood without recalling the religious dimension of reality, particularly of intelligent evil and its positive intention to deface and destroy. Scholars confuse our comprehension of the times because the minds of even earnest writers forget or reject the reality of evil and malevolent intentionality. The very concept has been drained from our minds and no longer exists as a reference to explain our grim predicament. Most people think humanity is the source of evil in the world, though the actual architect and tireless cause of our private agony and social distress is the real and personal father of lies and lord of Hate, external from human nature.
It is Mystery, unknowable to our finite minds that in the co-instant sequence of the eternal now, God creates Lucifer, the peerless angel of light, and Mary, humanity's peerless mother. Lucifer freely rebels against his perfect Creator, and is driven from God’s beauty by Michaël to become Satan, the adversary, the accuser, committed to his pride, his abysmal loss and to total hatred of humanity whom self-sufficient God, for the sake of love, loves into existence to replace the fallen angels. Continue here. |
Revelling in human misery, his driven objective is to unmake human beings, to separate men from their humanity, to steer us toward his own conscious state of perfect non-existence called hell, knowingly separated from Him who sustains all existence. He created us with the will free to choose good or evil, so Satan must rely on men to dehumanise themselves. He cannot do this directly, he can only entice men to do it to themselves.
God created us yearning toward good and averse to evil. Men know when they are wicked. Therefore, evil must proceed in secret and by deception so it is not recognised until its power is sufficient to impose the general terror required to entrench its rule. Until then, evil dreads exposure because men naturally condemn and suppress it, if they recognise it.
In the womb, as our senses form and the fact of life dawns on us, the quest to comprehend that fact begins. In infancy, as our little hands grasp at every accessible thing, the quest to grasp the nature and extent of the world intensifies. From the beginning we are driven to understand existence fully, and in childhood we nag our parents for its definition. The human mind seeks truth, and in uncluttered childhood we know that it is singular, that there is only one truth, one reality. We knew the leopard got its spots somewhere, and with critical rationality believed in Santa before we comprehended being lied to.
To frustrate our observance of truth, evil confuses us by peppering both truth and clumsier non-truth with semblances so that neither is clearly visible. Any notion which is meaningless, contradictory, vague, ambiguous or the exact opposite of the real is the periscope-wake of evil and the definitive signature, directly or vicariously, of malign thought.
All ontological thought, that which seeks the principles of existence, tends toward one of two mutually excluding opposites, self and God. To divert the human quest, evil amplifies the self and the chaos of subjective judgements to subvert our capacity to deduce objective reality. It insinuates the optional absurdities that God, reality, truth and morality do not exist, or that the self is God, or that some genius is greater than God.
As camouflage, evil erects monism, that “all is one,” that good and evil are the same; and dualism, that they are distinct but inter-dependent: that good cannot exist without evil; or, as an esoteric (secret) each-way bet, that Lucifer is the unjustly outcast god of good; in other words, that evil is not real and dynamic. Anything, any lie or truth or shade of either is used by evil to deceive, confuse, entice then accuse, divide and divert men away from critical realism toward wilful annihilation of their own humanity.
Humanity resides in spirit but is visible in our eyes. It is the sense in one’s self and perception about others that people desire good, therefore dignity, and are therefore invaluable above all non-human beings. Obscenity is whatever tends to obliterate humanity, to reduce our sense and perception of invaluable persons to that of valueless, personless and despised objects. This is why societies confine obscenity and precisely why evil liberates it. |
To maximise its damning effect, evil must discredit God and His objective moral order. Then it demoralises decency by legitimising indecency. To do this it must control societies by destroying their defensive institutions—religion (“opium of the people”), family (“marriage is legalised prostitution”) and private property (“theft”).
Evil attacks all legitimate institutions while building its own which must be committee-directed, led by nobody, because surviving decency or hope even in extremely depraved individuals is a constant threat to this anti-human design: Satan never knows when a worm or a beast will turn back into a man. Therefore the common purpose of evil organisations is to centralise power massively then globally so that no one commands anything with which to resist the strategy to destroy and control. If an apparachik recognises and rejects the evil which raised him up, this turncoat’s influence tumbles and his apparatus ejects him.
The control priorities of evil are firstly over finance so as to dominate industry the generator of wealth and independence; then over media to blanket in silence both truth and coordinated evil, while the public expression of culture is saturated with subversive ideas, anti-morality, false history and events, tranquillising banality and demoralising obscenity; then over education, which should be compulsory, to invade family responsibility and eradicate religion, the base of moral confidence. Finally, to change law from a defensive institution into an anti-civic weapon, organised evil aims to control appointments to all levels of legitimate authority so that only its dependents rise in power.
Its organisational structure is discrete then secret hierarchy, whose benign facades attract generally unsuspecting novices. Men may rise in these pyramids only by succumbing to enticements into wilful corruption of self. Where they refuse to descend morally their ascent stops, for only the most corrupt or compliant may approach the supposed top and be permitted to exercise high influence, particularly over immense wealth.
The structure is least inaccurately called Gnostic. Gnosticism is the finely engineered opposite of true religion and consists purely in layers of deception. The ancient word gnosis, knowledge, describes and mirrors the Serpent’s lie exactly: eat of the Tree of Knowledge, strive for empowering gnosis (which is esoteric) to become (equal to) God. This lame subtifuge needs secrecy and the appearance of speculative philosophy to camouflage evil so that willing individuals can wither privately in their vice, their delusions and entrapment in the Gnostic organisation. Gnosticism’s dedicated institution is Judaism and its shape is Freemasonic.
The “conspiracy theory” says that the Jews, who control everything, erected Gnosticism (Theosophy, the New Age movement &c.), Freemasonry, the many versions of Communism and the French then Red revolutions to destroy Christianity so they can rule the world.
Proof of the dominance of Judeo-masonic influence is that public discussion of them is nil. It is banned. The man-hating womens-lib furies never attacked men-only Masonry, thus proving its part in directing even the “womens” movement. Yet the theory is the penultimate deception. Most of the secretly self-castrated catamites of optionally risible Barphomay [see She Would be a Mason] do not know, then want not to know Masonry’s content and purpose. They swore obedience guiltily deciding that it is all sufficiently harmless nonsense to be borne blankly in return for discrete, special assistance in business, crime and careers. Each member knows there is no empowering “knowledge,” no “craft” and that nothing is “worked” except the debilitating tyranny of unmentionable contempt among brothers who lowered themselves to clownish charades and menacing solemnities to get something for the price of their souls.
It is not international Jewish bankers at war with Christianity funding Fabians, Humanists, Zionists, Reds and homosexuals now called Greens; or protecting pornographers, activist judges, drug financiers, New Age liars or “Muslim” murderers; it is the inner cores of all of these covert, sinister associations silently coordinating this Gnostic establishment of contending elites in only loose affiliation.
Persons incredulous of the religious interpretation of behaviour and events may peruse my 1984 pre-conversion observations, accessible to anyone, describing the “left” by definition as the mentality of Hate. |
This central arena is accessible only to influentials who embrace the mentality of sublimated hatred of self, humanity, life and God—Satan’s mentality of Hate—the baleful spirit of Gnosticism, whose organisations successfully destroyed “all thrones and altars” and now have reduced family, civic and national vitality to ruins, and economic creativity to chains, leaving humanity globally defenseless against the curs of the man-hating woman-hating malevolent eunuch.
This Hate establishment has two parts, an active, invisible head and a re-active, visible, “leftist” body. For the delusions of fools the head radiates cosmetic morality and virtual ideology which people do recognise as false, however intuitively. Then they make their free choice. Confused majorities reject the stench, while small minorities, enticed largely from Judaism but generally from victims of childhood scandal, adopt the broad range of socio-political opinions which are really subliminal expressions of Hate, they giving their passive sympathy or active support, particularly when young, to the myriad front groups of the Gnostic array.
When King Henry discarded Catherine his wife and took Ann his daughter as wife, lawyers said it was legal but men knew it was not. With regal legitimacy severed he ruled by terror against his people and the ancient Church which had anointed him. The King revolted against the Pope. The bedrock of civilization was split. In the century of consequent pauperism. . . continue here |
At his own level of delusion and deceit, every Gnostic, every covert or overt Hatist has his own vision of what he is engaged in; but only the rarest individual grasps that this is the global control needed to maximise the incidence of eternal damnation—Satan’s only desire. But if he discovers this to his horror, what compromised Jew, sodomite or aroma therapy stooge etc. could credibly tell, and to whom, particularly today? Satan does not exist. The reverberating laughter is from hell, at us excreting bellies on stilts.
History’s automotive institutions are two, Catholicism and Judaism. The rest are resigned to fate, to the goddess Fortuna, who does not exist.
Judaism is not about God but the tribe. This exclusivism does preserve it but describes its nullity as religion, wherein optional God is but tribal war god. God chose the Hebrew people to host then propagate the incarnated Christ sent not to lead them on earth, as Judaism optionally demands, but to offer repayment in perfect justice to the Father for the sins of all people. The Hebrews who affirmed Jesus started Catha-hol-ism, globalism, in immediate compliance with His command to teach all peoples how to save their souls. Those who rejected Him knew whom they freely willed to murder. He said He is God and worked far too many miracles for any doubt. They started Judaism at the same time (detail here) solely to destroy Catholicism:- everything in Judaism is optional except enmity to the one hated religion of the one hated God whose name alone men curse.
This is mortally threatening to the humanity of Jews who are compelled to defend their sanity by transferring guilt with an edifice of delusion whose subterranean supports are that they are Hebrew, innocent and victim. Actually the first victims of Judaic deception, Jews in formative years are given silently to notice privately the overwhelming evidence accumulating to the crippling suspicion that the Jewish self is intrinsically evil by vice of inescapable blood.
This brilliant fraud provokes one of two reactions. On the one hand, under constant strain from the need to deny Jewish perfidy by accusing Gentile reprisal, and under constant threat from the distressing realisation that their inherited identity, so unwelcome and difficult to discard, is religiously and socially outlandish, most Jews deserted Judaism down the 1,972 years since the Covenant was broken and the Veil was rent, because they refused to stomach the lies, unappeasable separatism and the unprovoked malice which intrinsically evil Judaism thereafter demanded from its descendants. On the other hand, the minority despairs of any enduring good from life, surrendering to the mentality of Hate sublimated in terms of Satan’s cruelest hoax, their fabricated identity:-
The myth of Hebrew descent necessitated the matrilineal option. But that describes promiscuous, depraved societies where only the mother can be confidently identified — like proto-historic China, traditional India or black America. Thus, when it was that supposedly patriarchal Judaism installed the matrilineal is never specified, and the ancillary libel of its own young is ever viciously silent. |
Told they are Hebrew—from Shem, Heber and Abraham, formed by Moses—they actually descend overwhelmingly from a converted “Turkic,” Caucasian people with zero claim to the Holy Land. Thus that ancient, pre-eminent, driven people has not existed as an identifiable nation since the mid/late first millenium.* Cursed blood does not exist.
Told they are innocent—that the Messiah did not come—their institution is not defined by unbelief in the divinity of Jesus, for the antagonism is chronic and too intense. Thus the definition of Jewishness is never clarified, because the definitive Jew does believe in God and hates Him.
"If He turns up again we’ll nail Him up again and send Him a bill for the last supper." |
As a national symbol the “Magen David” scarcely predates the twentieth century!—1897! Since the ancient haxagram is a satanic negation/inversion of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, the symbolism of the flag of Israelis (whose fathers came with lebensraum aforethought), is never specified, and the Star is never attributed to King David of Bethlehem explicitly, only implicitly, because it is unambiguous. The Psalmist never owned the symbol of Satan’s hate.
Told they are victims—of Christians, or the rest of humanity who hate them without cause—they are only ever assured implicitly on which side the unprovoked malice smoulders, but never explicitly because the truth is too threatening, too damning. Therefore, urged against their host societies which they naturally yearn to love, most Jews assimilate—muffling their identity out of shame or cunning; and “anti-semitism,” their frantic mantra for deflecting both real and imagined guilt has no other use or substance.
On this trilogy stands the Jews’ tribulation.
Although the most malicious deceptions entrap the Jewish individual, the Judaic institution is maintained by the guilt-maddened goy-hating hunchback, the likes of whom Nazi propaganda did not slander but accurately described. In turn, this type is inadvertently consoled or legitimated by the despairing benevolent sad Stoic for whom returning to that demanding God equates to betraying the tribe he would love. Both are the manipulated victims of the most vicious type so thoroughly surrendered to the mentality of Hate that the despised Jewish identity is transcended. Is this graduate from Judaism still a Jew? A gratuitous question; he is above guilt and beyond caring. Hate is serene, it supplies all. September 11th was easy.
Stubborn in its rejection of God’s universal or Catholic plan, Judaism holds fast to its self-alienating identity torn between its unbreakable tie to God and to the mad claim of “the chosen people” to rule the world. Though many tyrants have attempted world conquest, Judaism alone harbours that wicked objective as an ideal inextricable from its post-Resurrection essence.
Dr. Oscar Levy’s 1920 view of the Jewish Tribulation is offered here because it is so perceptive and candid, loving and filled with hope. |
The final solution to the Jewish problem is necessarily the return to God in sorrow and repentence of the definitive Jew, the committed anti-Christian. Not so of the serene Hatist, for he is anti-human and anti-Christ. Burn it. Christian escatology has always anticipated the “ingrafting,” the conversion of the Jews. When the Luciferian declaration, Non serviam! I will not serve! is rejected, when the definitive Jew is finally induced by the extremity of his ghastly achievements to admit, weep and kneel, then Judaism shall disintegrate and Jews will rebuild Catholicism, though the establishment of Hatists hitherto lurking in their shadow will have persevered.
By about 1900, awareness of Satan’s reality had been drained from the Catholic mind, and the Church was rotted through. Civilisation had been challenged by Re-nascent paganism, split by the Protestant revolt, discredited by scientism, confused by the Enlightenment, stripped of leadership by the revolutions and castrated by liberalism.** Finally at the Second Vatican Council the Church went down like a brain-shot elephant. Called the Sixties Revolution, Judaism had achieved its Promethean triumph. The titan was unchained. Organised evil rules the world.
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By 1958 the last hated pope was dead, buried in media silence. “We non-Catholics had never heard of him.” Then John XXIII indulged the terminal absurdity that the Church has no enemies. “Then we got told what he had for lunch!” To the right is the vile media’s then regular news-pic of ‘Good Pope John.’ |
From the moment of its conception in January 1959, when the words “ecumenical council” reverberated unquestioned in the mind of John XXIII, Vatican Two was predestined to be Gnosticism’s final assault, because the Pope had led it. His call was in the vague, ambiguous language of modernism, Catholic hate-ism, which is the energised spirit of negation, denial, rejection. He said the Church was stale, so windows must be opened to fresh new air to facilitate dialogue with modern man. But modern man is pagan, starving for certainty, emasculated and miserable, with nothing to recommend except meaningless matter, luck then oblivion. Should the Church change in that direction? If the Holy Father’s intention was fundamental change (which means destruction), that suicidal course was unthinkable to Catholics and they did not think it. Did the Pope really expect ‘our separated brethren’ would become Catholics? The reverse question did not arise.
From the moment it was realised that the Pope had no sound reason for summoning a supreme council, this silent signal in modernist code was received world-wide among the informal associations of modernist clergy which had been smouldering underground since the firm suppression of them by Pope Pius X (d.1914). This signal was to marshal for radical change. With Council’s inauguration in 1962, it was the “longed for day” only of the Hate establishment which had “finally dawned,” as media enthusiasm showed. By its end in 1965, the Church’s teachings remained intact, but only on paper. The tidal victory of the then formally organised Hatists lay in having clear precision re-phrased in ambiguities.
Where Sacrosanctum Concilium specified what was to be preserved, its authors were communicating in code what was really to be targeted. |
By this achievement they knew they had secured the switch-points of power, they proved that the last protectors of Catholic substance were impotent, and they proceeded immediately to commit every heresy and blasphemy and sacrilege and change amid change until that stinking excrescence be changed out of existence.
Beyond the myriad changes made to every Catholic thing after 1965, the very completeness of that destruction must most grimly be measured by the successful replacement in 1969 of the traditional rites of ordination of priests and consecration of bishops—their replacement with radically different propaganda-substitute rites—by which it must be grievously doubtful that the Novus Ordo regime controlling the few billion left in church real estate has ordained or consecrated anyone since then, i.e., it is grievously probable that virtually no divinely empowered priests and bishops remain of the Roman mystical Church who are “imprinted with the indelible character.”
Although zero doubt enshrouds the sacerdotal substance of Orthodox priests, no saving dynamism from the eastern communions can be expected while Rome remains a theological and liturgical sewer. It took the Bolshevik horror to sweep into history both a popular conservatism more brute-feudal than the autocracy and the xenophobia of ancient Rus—but not her vibrant self love. Also the hated Filioque has drifted out of the dazed memory of destined emergent Russia. Nevertheless, it shall take the good time of Perfect Justice (the imminent fulfillment of Fatima cannot be discussed here), for that sad Gnostic, that indomitable popemobile pope, or his successor, to return to the virile propagation and protection of true religion, to realise the constant prophecy of Moscow, not quite “the Third Rome.” Then her valid priests will come, nay run, to succour and resurrect their dreadfully wounded One Holy Roman but also Apostolic Church of Peter the Rock immovable, and of prostrate humanity.
Then may hostilities commence.
Notes * This secreted, stupefying history of the empire of Khazaria, supported by the most sobering Jewish research, is detailed in The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) by Arthur Koestler. This URL offers his book reset, with only mildly irritating commentary. Another URL, The Thirteenth Tribe inconveniently offers each page as a scanned graphic. On publication the book was routinely reviewed, then it quietly submerged. . . Back up to * the place
** Recommending The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation Regina Publications, Dublin, 1953, by Father Denis Fahey, Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (C.S.Sp.). ![]() Written from the fount of Christian charity (of awareness that Satan is humanity’s only enemy), this book expresses ideal Catholic militancy based on spiritual devotion (on awareness that the stakes of life are in eternity). It implicitely explains Fr. Fahey’s rejection by the rotten hierarchy for his determination that the Church’s enemies could and therefore must be fought; and reveals the author’s benign assumptions which fooled us all, Catholic and Jew alike:- *that Jews are Hebrew, not ceasing to be the race in which the “Word was made flesh;” *that “the Jews” names a unity, even though most assimilate in rejection of unprovoked malice; *that Judaism is a religion though Jews do not kneel; they refuse; *that the revolutions enjoyed the credulity and support of general populations, failing to grasp the cynicism of Weishaupt’s secret dictum, “We shall make the people’s cause our own.” Sadly consonant with the depleted Catholic spirit, he understood the Revolution’s “rights of man” as an inversion of the rights of God (as though God could be dispossessed), and not as man’s duties to God, the non-peformance of which spells eternal death. Though he could not have foreseen the Church’s complete disintegration, as world Jewry taught to loathe the “loser” in fear has not realised to this day, he was a rare, worthy enemy. |