It is Mystery, unknowable to our finite minds that in the co-instant sequence of the eternal now, God creates Lucifer, the peerless angel of light, and Mary, humanity’s peerless mother. Lucifer freely rebels against his perfect Creator, and is driven from His beauty by Michaël to become Satan, the accuser, committed to his pride, his abysmal loss and to total hatred of humanity whom self-sufficient God, for the sake of love, loves into existence to replace the fallen angels.
When that is accomplished the world shall end.
Against Satan, omniscient God deploys Mary, “full of grace” which she dispenses to man from God-the-Holy-Ghost. Grace, which mysteriously is love, is the power to will toward good and against evil. It is also the light of the intellect to grow in knowledge and love of reality, ultimately of Total Reality. Will power from self is a deception, and does not exist except as God’s grace. Men are what they are solely by the grace of God dispensed through the perfect mother. This is precisely why she, the “Mediatrix of all Graces,” is Satan’s arch enemy, and why devotion to her is barred out of all but the one religion.
When Satan seduced Eve to persuade Adam to defy God, the intellect of our fully informed “super-human” parents-in-flesh was darkened as punishment for defiling His pure creation. Condemned to suffer temporal death, mankind was exposed to the choice of eternal death. Immediate knowledge of God was withdrawn, though suspended as something retrievable, but only strenuously and after each individual’s act of faith. Faith, the capacity to believe in God, is a gift from God given to those who seek it. Persons who do not want Him will not achieve Him.
Original Sin reduced the humanity, our likeness to God, of our henceforth fallen nature. Despite the Fall, our will still seeks good because, as creations of love, we actually long for union with Perfect Love. However, we were smitten with irrational preference for the physical world. This world is a theophany, that is, it displays to us the beauty and immensity of God; but it is temporary, so Satan, “the prince of this world,” uses its beautiful things to divert our desires away from choosing God before all His temporary things.
Unlike Adam and Eve before they sinned, we fail to observe immediately that the world, particularly in its living things, is a constantly sustained miracle. Our grasp is weak—of the beauty of God, the spectre of Satan, the bliss of heaven and horror of hell, which words cannot describe. We see the horror of calamities but not of their cause, sin, which pollutes God’s otherwise pure universe. We readily forget that human life and destiny reside in eternal spirit, and irrationally ignore the sure knowledge that the temporary is valueless and that eternity is inevitable. We are not mad, our intellects were darkened.
Evil is precisely “privatio boni,” the privation/absence of good. It lacks positive existence because it is the lack of the essence of God who sustains all existence. Consent to evil decreases grace and humanity in the soul, consent to good increases both, and final consent to evil is the final rejection of God, as in suicide, Satan’s final success. The damned are ex-human beings whose sins made them bestial; thus God repels them. Conversely, the blessed are purified, re-completed human beings; they are admitted into His “beatific vision.” It is with equal and tremendous satisfaction that God forgives and takes to Himself those who, while on earth, chose His love, and severs completely those who preferred the Beast’s regime of lies, filth, hate and death.
Satan hates humanity because we are made in God’s image: we prefer good, condemn evil, love life and naturally hate and fear death. He hates masculine humanity because, in his physique and yearning to comprehend reality, he is father, essentially the protector and teacher of the human lives whom he loves into time and flesh by formal union with woman. His is the active principle (pater) which seeks to give form (pattern) to the infant life (material) produced by his cherished, equal and opposite passive principle (mater). To destroy her, Satan must first emasculate him by applying Gnosticism, layers of confusion, to deplete his moral confidence so that father can neither protect nor teach.
Satan hates feminine humanity because, in her physique and yearning, she is mother. He hates young woman because she is mother most powerful; beautiful young woman because beauty is in the eye of love and life; the Fiend most hates chaste beautiful young woman because she describes the Immaculata, his most feared enemy who will crush his head.
Though awful to face, sex without marriage is essentially an act of transitive hate. However, to protect their humanity from the horror of annihilation, promiscuous people stop their minds from admitting this with delusions and lies both charitable and malign, because fornication unguarded by self-deception is candid, aggravated rape or murder. This is why Satan the deceiver calls sex the act of love. Reflecting humanity as emanating from God, love is warmth between soul and soul who seek perpetual union with the beloved other. Accordingly, love is portrayed as attraction between bodies seeking momentary usage of disposable others.
Satan applies pornography, portrayal of the whore, to deface, demoralise and de-feminise mother. Pornography expresses hatred of mother, enticing men to degrade her person through her body. Conversely, its enticement to woman is to radiate, like the prostitute, the same sublimated hatred to which she wilfully submits. The vicious act resides in spirit, for promiscuous people treat invaluable persons as personless objects hated in the analogy of eternal damnation. By exploiting the temporary and disposable body, they consent to conjuring the non-existence of its eternal person. This is exactly why all transitive verbs for sex are obscene and why all viable societies mortally condemn promiscuity.
Since reality is objective (since the sky is blue), truth and religion are matters of fact not opinion, so Satan promotes personal opinion and the blurred absurdity that nothing is objectively real. Since truth is singular only one religion can possibly be true so Satan promotes a multitude of semblances, which rely on ambiguity. Since truth does not change Satan is obsessed with change to change out of existence the one true religion and the one true civilization, custodians of the objective moral order written in the human mind.
To confuse our confidence that anything is objectively real, Satan uses fables, fiction. In all his ersatz religions his defense of fiction is fanaticism, the violence needed to defend faith which is otherwise unbelievable.
Though the fault is Satan’s, the responsibility belongs to each one of us for giving in to his temptations or failing to act. If innocent babes became gaunt cynics or exhausted whores before their 21st birthdays, though the pornographers should be hanged, the dreadful truth is that we do live in morally despicable conditions and do deserve our crippling miseries, for God’s justice is perfect. Though we were deliberately de-civilised, emasculated and de-feminised ever so gradually by seething evil our choice is free and simple. We must either despair or we must rebuild that which was destroyed—God’s universal Church and the innocence and critical rationality with which we were born. We must either surrender all hope, or else submit to true God and the religion He personally revealed, even though there are no churches to go to. The all-loving God desires souls, only souls; but He made us magnificent, free to choose either Him or perfect nothingness—that which the most ancient Hindoo calls Nirvana.