Pope Leo XIII granted the following Spiritual favors to the
Plenary Indulgences:
1. On the day of their reception as an Oblate Novice.
2. On the day on which they make their final act of Oblation if they have received the sacraments of penance and Holy Communion.
3. On feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, Nov. 21st.
4. On the feast of St. Henry, July 15th.
5. On the feast of St. Frances of Rome, March 9th.
6. On any four days of the year to be fixed once and for all by the Oblates themselves.
7. On the titular feasts of the Monastery to which they are affiliated, provided that, on any of these feasts or days selected, they receive the sacraments of penance and Holy Communion,* and devoutly visit any church or public oratory in any part of the world, and there, during the hour preceding sunset, pray according to the intentions of the Holy Father. By a special indult granted by the same Pope, this hour of prayer immediately preceding sunset may be reduced to a half hour whenever the space of an hour is prescribed as a condition for gaining of an indulgence; it may also be satisfied during the time of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the morning of the day in question. Should the Oblates be legitimately prevented from complying with the necessary conditions on the feast itself, they may gain the indulgences on any of the seven days following the feasts, by performing the acts of devotion enjoined.
8. At the hour of death the Apostolic Blessing, together with a plenary indulgence, can be given to all Oblates by any religious or secular priest. The conditions for gaining this indulgence are: the reception of the holy sacraments, or, if this should be impossible, a contrite invocation of the most holy Name of Jesus, at least mentally.
Toties Quoties Indulgence
By an Apostolic Brief, dated Oct. 17, 1929, Pope Pius XI granted to the Benedictine Order, and to all the faithful on the feast of the holy Founder, St. Benedict, March 21, for all future times, in all the churches and public or semi-public oratories of the Order, a plenary indulgence "Toties Quoties," which can be gained from noon of March 20 until midnight of March 21, under the usual conditions, confessions, Communion, visit, and prayers according to the intentions of the Holy Father.
The Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be, are to prayed six times at each visit.
Partial Indulgences:
Oblates may gain an indulgence of seven years:
1. If they have a Mass said, or assist at Holy Mass for the repose of the souls of deceased Oblates.
2. If they assist at the funeral of a departed member.
3. If they attend the meetings.
All of the above indulgences are applicable to the holy souls in purgatory.
* The confession may be made within eight days before or after the appointed day. Those who confess regularly twice a month, or receive Holy Communion at least five times a week, can gain all indulgences without a special confession. Holy Communion may be received on the day before, on the day itself, or on any of the eight days immediately following the appointed day.
(Excerpted from Daily Companion for Secular Oblates of St. Benedict, 2nd. Edition, February 1948)