That prayer forms
an integral part of a true Christian life is self-evident. The admonition of Our
Lord, "Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation," is sufficient guarantee
of the necessity of prayer. The Patriarch, St. Benedict, has assigned thirteen
chapters of his Rule to that holy and sublime occupation of his spiritual sons, who are to
be the heralds of the angelic service and the torchbearers of the world here below.
"As incense should their prayers arise day and night before the altar of the Most
True to the spirit of their holy Founder, the spiritual sons and daughters of St. Benedict have ever been distinguished by their devotion to the sacred liturgy and the solemnity wherewith they celebrate the Divine service. And this spirit has been extended also to those devoted children of St. Benedict, who, while wearing the garb of the laity and remaining in the world, affiliate themselves as Oblates to his holy Order. In keeping with the tradition of the Benedictines, they strive to emulate the religious of the Order by cultivating a special love for the liturgical services of the Church, taking an active interest in all that concerns the beauty and adornment of churches and altars and doing all they can to enhance the splendor of the Divine worship.
And since the holy Sacrifice of the Mass is
the center of the liturgical life of the Church, encircled by the Canonical Hours of the
Office, Oblates are exhorted in particular to assist as often as they can at Holy Mass,
and to participate, actually or in spirit, in the Divine Office chanted by the
Benedictines in choir. Many Oblates find it possible to assist at Holy Mass
frequently, and even daily; but for most of them it is not possible to take part in the
Canonical Hours of the Office. Hence they are exhorted to unite in spirit
with the choir service of the religious of the Order, rendered seven times each day and
once during the night or very early morning. In thought, if not in reality, they
will hasten to the monastic choir and unite their prayers, labors, sacrifices and good
works with the prayers of the religious as a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God,
renewing this intention frequently each day, or at least in the morning and evening.
The "Short Office of the Oblates", is a substitute for their assistance at the Canonical Hours. The daily recitation of the holy Rosary and a short visit to the Blessed Sacrament are also commendable.
(Excerpted from Daily Companion for Secular Oblates of St. Benedict, 2nd. Edition, February 1948)